Autumn Newsletter 2024
LUC's Green Infrastructure work: more than the sum of its parts

Natural England’s GI Framework is an important step in driving recognition of the multiple benefits provided by Green Infrastructure (GI). LUC is working with local authorities, Natural England and wider stakeholders to deliver the framework across multiple spatial scales. From the regional to the site scale, our holistic approach is having a positive impact on people, nature and places: planning for and delivering high-quality GI to meet local needs.
This work is multi-disciplinary, expansive and truly greater than the sum of its parts.

Waltham Forest Green Infrastructure Strategy
From planning, through funding to delivery
LUC is unique in our ability to provide end-to-end GI services from strategic planning and funding support to development masterplanning, project design, and delivery on the ground. We bring together expertise from a range of disciplines to combine national guidance with local information to promote a locally distinctive GI network.
Zetland Park Restoration
Securing funding for GI implementation can be challenging. Our new Nature Markets service guides clients to unlock funding options for nature recovery and sustainable land management projects. Emerging nature markets (e.g. biodiversity net gain, nutrient neutrality and woodland carbon) offer payments for nature-based solutions and ecosystem services. These can often be combined with government grants and wider sources of funding such as CSR investment and sales of products from the land. We can help you identify relevant funding combinations that will contribute to a nature-positive economy.
Our work
We work closely with Local Planning Authorities to produce multi-disciplinary studies that guide their future GI strategies, action plans and Local Plans. Our work is grounded in understanding local needs, policy, and the GI Framework to guide effective planning and implementation.
It is important to consider blue infrastructure as part of land use planning. Natural England’s GI Framework assumes the inclusion of water elements.
We hope you enjoyed our autumn newsletter
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