Litter Kits in Schools

Explore where our litter kits are located and their impact on Durham students.

Our Litter Kits in Schools Pilot Launch ran from March to June 2021. In just three months, 1,470 students across 20 participating schools collected 5,442 pounds of litter in 75 cleanups.

Litter Kit Locations

Check out the map below to learn more about Keep Durham Beautiful's Litter Kits in Schools Program and how we're inspiring students in Durham to take action on sustainability issues by combining an in-class litter and waste curriculum with outdoor service-learning.

Click on a map pin or one of the schools in the side bar to learn about the participating schools, hear from teachers about the impact of the program, and see students in action!

Brogden Middle School

Burton Elementary School

E.K. Powe Elementary School

Eastway Elementary School

Eno Valley Elementary School and DPS Hub Farm

George Watts Elementary School

Hillandale Elementary School

Holt Elementary School

Immaculata Catholic School

Lakewood Elementary School

Lakewood Montessori Middle School

Mangum Elementary School

Merrick-Moore Elementary School

Morehead Montessori Magnet Elementary School

Northern High School

Oak Grove Elementary School

Pearsontown Elementary

Sandy Ridge Elementary School

Southern School of Energy and Sustainability

W.G. Pearson Magnet Elementary School

Brogden Middle School

"Some students expressed surprise at how much trash they could see when they really started looking. I think it opened up their eyes to problems with litter and pollution, not just here at school but at home and in other places as well!"

Brogden held 19 litter cleanups during the three month pilot launch.

Burton Elementary School

"Students at our school were concerned about the littering done around our school and on our grounds. They wanted to take action and help. We are appreciative of the resources that allowed our students at Burton Elementary to clean up and beautify our school."

E.K. Powe Elementary School

"We worked on understanding the potential detriment to the eco system and that had a huge impact on the students understanding of litter."

Eastway Elementary School

"Disposing of waste has kept waste away from our school community, created a sense of community and partnership among students and teachers, and increased our awareness of our responsibility as a school community to decrease litter."

In two cleanups, 70 students at Eastway collected 1,100 lbs of trash.

Eno Valley Elementary School and DPS Hub Farm

At Eno Valley, the litter kit is used as part of their new outdoor learning program and in partnership with the DPS Hub Farm.

George Watts Elementary School

"Being able to have their own tools gave students a sense of ownership."

Hillandale Elementary School

"The kids take a lot of pride in this and it has given some students their first chance at leadership, community service, and a sense of positive accomplishment."

Holt Elementary School

"Though the kids did not use the kits daily, they began talking more about problem areas in their community that needed cleanup."

Immaculata Catholic School

"We have a busy downtown campus that is utilized by the church and other groups.  The students love picking up litter and even compete over it. We have had a huge effort this year to redesign our playground with a focus on the impacts to our watershed. This was a great step to get the students more involved. I look forward to more students taking ownership"

Lakewood Elementary School

Lakewood Elementary joined Litter Kits in Schools for the 2022-2023 school year. They're already off to a great start and have cleaned up 60 pounds of litter from their campus this fall.

Lakewood Montessori Middle School

"Having the litter kits dramatically increased my students' engagement in litter reduction on and off campus. Kids had a blast picking up litter, but they also got to experience how pervasive litter is in our community. This has led to powerful discussions about the deeper issues behind this problem."

Mangum Elementary School

"This program helped students feel empowered to make a difference in their community. By cleaning up they became aware of the problem and talked more about the solution to help make our community better."

Merrick-Moore Elementary School

"The litter kits have been an amazing resource to help students connect to their very own outdoor spaces and see them through a stewardship eye."

250 Merrick-Moore students participated in cleanups during our Pilot Launch.

Morehead Montessori Magnet Elementary School

"They are more likely to say that litter is a problem and that they can pick up litter to make a difference."

Northern High School

Already in the 2022-2023 school year, students at Northern have cleaned up 100 pounds of litter from their campus.

Oak Grove Elementary School

"[The students] noticed more litter and the damage it does. They were more concerned about the environment and they felt that this was something that they could do something about. They took more control of their own environment and paid more attention to their actions."

Pearsontown Elementary

Sandy Ridge Elementary School

"Students realized how much trash students just leave around (especially at recess), which encouraged a shift of student mindsets DURING recess to actively toss trash in the trashcan as it was seen."

Southern School of Energy and Sustainability

300 students at Southern engaged in litter prevention with their litter kit!

Students at Southern also participate in KDB's Adopt-a-Street program conducting regular cleanups of the streets adjacent to the school.

W.G. Pearson Magnet Elementary School

"The students were excited and engaged to make an impact on the school grounds and environment!"

About the Program

The Litter Kits in Schools Program provides litter clean up supplies and an accompanying litter and waste education curriculum to schools in Durham with the intention of engaging youth in activities and lessons focused on sustainability.

The program began with our pilot launch from March-June 2022. Following the success of the pilot, we are continuing the program for the 2022-2023 school year. There are currently 20 schools participating across Durham.

With a reusable litter cleanup kit housed permanently at participating schools, teachers have the tools and flexibility to teach sustainability lessons on their school campus and the surrounding neighborhoods without the resource-intensive burden of bringing students to a service project and without the financial costs of purchasing a litter kit.

This program allows Durham students to learn through experiential service-learning opportunities and recognize that they can take action on sustainability issues and make tangible change in their communities.