General Motors' Transition to Electric Vehicles
A comprehensive look at the effects of General Motors' announcement to transition to EVs
This audio piece offers an examination of the intentions and motivations of General Motors' announcement to transition to electric vehicles by 2035. By highlighting the history of General Motors a corporation, General Motors' strategic alignment with the administration in power, and General Motors' greenwashing tactics evident in their marketing, a more comprehensive platform for assessing General Motors' announcement is provided.
This section examines how General Motors’ announcement affects global supply chains with rippling effects (consequences & positives) on communities worldwide.

Location 1: Industrial Communities
Location 1: Industrial Communities. Click to expand.
Spring Hill, Tennessee

Location 2: California
Location 2: California . Click to expand.
As the fifth largest economy worldwide, California has global influence and power. With global influence and power comes an opportunity to be leaders against climate change. The state of California has ambitious climate goals that often outpace the objectives of the United States at large— so in October, 2019 when Donald Trump set out to prevent the State of California in setting their own emissions requirements for vehicles, this may not have come as a surprise to Californians or climate conscious Americans.

Location 3: Resource Rich Communities
Location 3: Resource Rich Communities. Click to expand.
The United States has a fixation on personal vehicles. According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, households on average have more vehicles than drivers. This is a baffling statistic, but nonetheless a testament to the United States’ deeply embedded dependence on personal vehicles. However, it is apparent that we are on the brink of a drastic change, a change not away from personal vehicles, but a change in the way they run. Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popularized as an alternative to the internal combustion vehicle due to their lack of emissions and therefore environmental benefits. However, significant environmental damage occurs in the production of electric vehicle batteries that is being overlooked.

Location 4: China
Location 4: China. Click to expand.
With a population of nearly 1.4 billion, China is a desired market by producers across industries worldwide. China is the world’s largest automobile market creating a special desire to capitalize amongst automobile manufacturers. However, over the last decade China has taken preparatory steps over the last decade to become the world leader in electric vehicles. So, how much room is there for U.S and European manufacturers to capitalize on the Chinese market?

Location 5: Examples of Excellent Alternatives to Personal Vehicles
Location 5: Examples of Excellent Alternatives to Personal Vehicles. Click to expand.
While it is evident that the internal combustion engine is on its way out, electric vehicles are not the only alternative being explored. Locations all around the world are redefining transportation by investing in alternatives to the personal vehicle. Cars embody issues beyond greenhouse gas emissions such as financial accessibility, congestion, and car-based fatalities, all of which can be greatly reduced through investment in alternative transportation methods. Three exceptional examples of car alternative communities are featured here.

Location 6: Examples of Excellent Alternatives to Personal Vehicles
Location 6: Examples of Excellent Alternatives to Personal Vehicles. Click to expand.
London, England: London, England implemented a congestion charge system as early as 2003. Congestion charging requires a daily charge to people driving within Central and parts of West London. The system was implemented with four key objectives: to improve air quality through reduced greenhouse gas emissions, reduce traffic congestion, improve journey time reliability, and investment in public transportation. Since its implementation, London has been largely successful in achieving these objectives, notably the investment in public transport. London is renowned as a city with one of the strongest transport systems in the world and this can presumably be attributed to the revenue generated by congestion charges. Updated bus routes, improved frequency of buses, increased park-and-ride spaces, as well as expanded bike and pedestrian infrastructure are all a result of the congestion charges in London. While the congestion charges do not probit cars entirely, they do discourage them and provide quality alternatives to personal vehicles.

Location 7: Examples of Excellent Alternatives to Personal Vehicles
Location 7: Examples of Excellent Alternatives to Personal Vehicles. Click to expand.
New York, New York: In light of the pandemic, New Yorkers have taken to the streets in order to get some much needed respite from the indoors. The pandemic hit New York City particularly hard very early on causing the city to become desolate. Shops, businesses, restaurants, were forced to close leaving many facing intense financial hardships. Since the pandemic, New York City has allotted more than 83 miles for residents to use for recreational purposes and allowed close to 11,000 restaurants and retailers to open shop outdoors. This transition away from car congested streets is largely referred to as “Open Streets.” Since New Yorkers have been exposed to this concept, it will presumably be difficult for them to return to how it was. Many residents are lobbying for the streets to stay open and prioritize people. With this, a large transition away from personal vehicles would have to occur in order to keep streets accessible to pedestrians and recreationists.