Intro to OER
This brief collection of CC-licensed materials provides a starting place for those interested in learning more about OER.
This collection is licensed under CC BY, except where otherwise noted.
- Affordable Course Materials3.png
"Affordable Course Materials3.png" by Abbeyelder is was dedicated to the Public Domain via CC0.
- 5 Rs of OER Infographic
"5 Rs of OER," by SUNY OER Services is licensed under CC BY.
- Open Educational Resources (OER) and innovation: Why OER?
"Open Educational Resources (OER) and innovation: Why OER?" by UNESCO is licensed under CC BY.
- Open Educational Resources (Wikipedia)
"Open Educational Resources," by Wikipedia contributors is licensed under CC BY-SA IGO 3.0.
- University of Virginia OER Learning Community Guide - Simple Book Publishing
"University of Virginia OER Learning Community Guide," by Bethany Mickel and Emily Scida is licensed under CC BY.
- Are open educational resources (OER) and practices (OEP) effective in improving learning achievement? A meta-analysis and research synthesis
"Are open educational resources (OER) and practices (OEP) effective in improving learning achievement? A meta-analysis and research synthesis" by Ahmed Tlili, Juan Garzón, Soheil Salha, et al. is licensed under CC BY.