![New York Sea Grant logo](https://cdn.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/3dfda20ace2045beba903bae8dad449e/resources/PoHU19ZuBIjQO_XEXh6ui.jpeg?w=200)
New York Sea Grant's 2022 Success Stories
A compilation of select coastal New York extension projects, outreach programs and research results that benefit New Yorkers.
Photo credit: Cornell University
The stories featured below provide examples of how New York Sea Grant (NYSG) partnered in 2021 with communities, teachers, industry, agencies and other coastal stakeholders and supported research to address a variety of marine, estuarine and Great Lakes issues and opportunities.
Additional information on these projects, as well as others from previous years, can be found at www.nyseagrant.org/successstories .
The following documents (a) provide an overview of the NYSG program “by the numbers”; (b) offers a summary of statistics about NYSG supported research and undergraduate and graduate students at campuses over the past 20 years; (c) capture the impact of the National Sea Grant College Program and the economic benefits provided to the coastal communities that Sea Grant programs serve.
NYSG Locations
Below are more details on our office locations and hosts across the State.
- Oswego: OSWEGO (SUNY)
- Newark: Cornell Cooperative Extension of Wayne County
- Buffalo: University at Buffalo (SUNY)
- Ithaca: Cornell University
- Kingston: Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County
- Elmsford: Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester County
- NYC: Cornell University—ILR School [Manhattan]; Brooklyn College/CUNY [Brooklyn]; New York City Department of Environmental Protection [Queens]
- East Meadow: Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County
- Stony Brook: Stony Brook University (SUNY)
Detailed information for the offices, and NYSG staff therein, can be found at www.nyseagrant.org/nysgstaff .
NYSG Success Stories
The following series of New York Sea Grant project profiles demonstrates the broad value of New York Sea Grant's research, extension and education efforts on coastal issues of importance to stakeholders in the Great Lakes, marine, and estuarine waters of New York State.
MyCoast New York: Engaging Communities to Document Floods & Storm Damage
NY’s Coastal Bluffs: Informing Stakeholders about Erosion, Recession
NYS Aquaculture Report Updated
Guide to Seaweed Processing & Marketing: Supports NY’s Emerging Industry
6th Annual Seafood Summit: NYSG Hosts
Plastic Pollution and You: An Interdisciplinary Curriculum
Long Island Sound Marine Debris Plan Completed
LIS Sustainable & Resilient Communities: 1st Annual Workshop
LIS Sustainable & Resilient Communities: Regional Needs Assessment
Community Science LI: Educational Webinars
Long Island Sound Mentor Teacher Program Returns
NY’s Hard Clams: Progress to Improve Resiliency
Offshore Wind: NYSG Public Participation Guide Helps Communities Engage
Marine Camp: NYSG Resumes Classes After COVID Hiatus
Sea Level Rise: Adapted Curriculum Helps NYC Students Explore the Past and Future
Community Engaged Internship Comes to the Bronx
Flushing Climate Meeting: Preparing Communities for Future Flooding
NY Shoreline Site Visits
Working with Nature: 2022 Workshops
Lake Ontario Shoreline Resident Information Folders for Wayne County
Understanding & Managing Floodplains for Healthy Watersheds and Resilient Communities
Assessing Climate-Driven Migration in the Great Lakes
Climate Stewards: Training Extension Educators to Establish Local Climate Programming
A “Day in the Life” Student Experience Debuts in Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Watershed
Great Lakes Coastal Resilience & Climate Change Curriculum Workshop
Great Lakes Basin Small Grants Projects Engage Youth
Support for Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary Designation
2022 NY Statewide Celebration of Sturgeon
2022 Great Lakes Aquaculture Days
Research: HABs in New York’s Coastal Zones
Research: Impacts of Microplastic Pollution
Research: Enhancing Flood Resilience on Lake Ontario
Research: Listeria Control Strategies for Smoked Seafood
Research: Detecting AIS Via Environmental DNA Method
Research: NY's Aquaculture Operations for Oysters
Research: Rip Current Awareness
Research: Evaluating American Shad in a Changing Hudson River Ecosystem
Research: Stakeholder Perceptions of Oyster Ecosystem Services
Research: Diversifying New York’s Marine Aquaculture Industry
Research: Refuge Areas Could Protect Prized Fisheries in a Changing Climate
Research: Development of Stress-Resistant Bay Scallop Strains