Southwest Washington RTC Safety Action Plan
Thank you for helping us guide safety improvements on roads within Clark County.
Thank you for helping us guide safety improvements on roads within Clark County.
This virtual open house presents potential transportation safety projects and solutions recommended based on crash data, transportation safety risk factors, and the input you, the public, provided earlier this year. These projects aim to reduce crashes on Clark County streets, with a special focus on bringing the number of fatal and serious injury crashes in Clark County to zero. The proposed treatments include both countywide programs and location-specific improvements.
Roads and their functional classifications within the study area
Thank you to everyone who shared feedback earlier this winter! Your input has been incredibly valuable in shaping this effort. So far, participants have identified “Safer Speeds” and “Safer People” as the most important areas for countywide safety programs.
Additionally, more than 40% of respondents selected these six strategies as top priorities:
We appreciate the feedback received so far and would like to gather more input on location-specific projects. Please take a few minutes to review the proposed projects and share your thoughts through our survey. Your voice is essential in making Clark County’s roads safer for everyone!
These are project ideas that can address locations in Clark County with some of the most frequent and severe crashes.
RTC SS4A Safety Action Plan Virtual Open House #2
Thank you for your valuable feedback!
With your input, we are identifying the most important projects and solutions for the region's transportation network. After finalizing the RTC Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS$A) Safety Action Plan this spring, we're hoping to prepare and submit a federal grant application to secure funding for implementing solutions to help enhance road safety across Clark County.
Thank you for your participation in helping shape a safer transportation network!
For questions related to the RTC Safety Action Plan or to request updates about this project you can reach out to Jennifer Campos at 564-397-5213.