Shared Streets Program
Gloucester Lane and Edgedale Drive

The City of Austin is testing a new program called "Shared Streets" to make some neighborhood streets without sidewalks safer and more comfortable for walking, bicycling, and rolling. Shared Streets are designed to accommodate all travel modes, ages, and abilities.

A rendering of various users sharing street space
Design plan
This pilot project will construct ramps at the intersection of Gloucester Lane and Rogge Lane and narrow the entrances onto Gloucester Lane. Semi-permanent traffic calming devices will be installed at regular intervals on Gloucester Lane and Edgedale Drive.
Shared Street Sign
- Throughout the project area, there will be new Shared Street signage indicating to all street users that they will be sharing the street with people walking, biking, rolling, and driving, and to be aware of their surroundings.
- The traffic calming devices include chicanes , curb extensions, and traffic circles . Chicanes will be created using flex posts.
- Gateways will mark entrances to these shared streets with curb extensions, chicanes, and signs.
- Curbs will be bulbed out at the intersection of Gloucester Lane and Rogge Lane to narrow the crossing distance and tighten the corners to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists by slowing turning traffic. New ramps and sidewalks leading into the shared street will be constructed.
An aerial view of the shared street project limits.
Share your feedback
Feedback from people who use these streets is key to developing a project plan that best reflects the community's needs. Community input was gathered through August 18, 2024.
Read the feedback report for a summary of feedback received as well as next steps.