Malaria in children otherwise known as Pediatric Malaria is one of the leading causes of child mortality in Nigeria. Children within the country are one of the most vulnerable groups; with about 300,000 children reported to die annually from the disease in the country [2].

In the light of the above, I examined the spatio-temporal pattern of pediatric malaria from 2008-2018 from the Nigeria Demographic Health Survey. The following findings were made.

Children affected by poverty are deprived of access to good nutrition required for the development of a strong immune system to fight against any disease including malaria, quality health care services that include prompt diagnosis and treatment of malaria, a clean environment that discourages the breeding of mosquitoes that spread malaria and quality housing that reduces exposure to mosquito bites.

The Missing Link: Driving Child Poverty out of the Country

All these with the great hope that someday Nigeria will be malaria free for our children!

Mr O. Fatayo and Mr J. Adeleye

[2] Adigun, A., & Gajere, E., Oresanya, O., & Vounatsou, P. (2015).

Malaria risk in Nigeria: Bayesian geostatistical modelling of 2010 malaria indicator survey data. Malaria journal. 14. 156. 10.1186/s12936-015-0683-6