Economic Opportunity
A review and summary of Rural Health Scholar research that addresses economic opportunity on Martha's Vineyard.
Food Security
Scholar Observations
- A high cost of living causes individuals to work multiple jobs just to make ends meet, leaving little time for fresh food preparation, food procurement, and visits to food-related services like a food pantry, 2012 RHS Presentation
- Lower income households have a higher need for food access support, 2012 RHS Presentation
Scholar Recommendations
- N/A
Summary of the Community's response so far N/A
Housing Security
Scholar Observations
- Seasonality of employment also leads to seasonal homelessness, 2015 RHS Presentation
- “There’s nothing to do here.” 2016 RHS Presentation
- “There are plenty of jobs but they (young people) can’t afford to live here.” 2021 RHS Presentation
Scholar Recommendations
- N/A
Summary of the Commuity's response so far
Physical + Mental Health Impacts
Scholar Observations
- Unstable employment was a common response in the SUD project interviews, 2016 RHS Presentation
- Work opportunities for people living with disabilities have a positive effect on their quality of life and wellbeing, 2019 RHS Presentation
- Recommended supporting local businesses in hiring people living with disabilities, 2019 RHS Presentation
- Create a list of organizations who are interested in inclusive hiring
- Provide organizations with the appropriate supports, resources, and training
- Hire a job coach transition specialist
- Allocate funds to a skills building program
- Modify programs already in place
Summary of the Community's response so far
No Updates (6.17.2022)
Preparing the Next Generation
Scholar Observations
- “We don’t instill enough desire in children because how do you aspire to something you haven’t been exposed to?” 2021 RHS Presentation
- Since some trades can command high wages or salaries with little experience, there is a trend of high schoolers going into these areas, which leaves essential jobs in other industries vacant because they can’t compete with the trade industry’s level of compensation, 2021 RHS Presentation (nursing and childcare are chronically understaffed as a comparison)
- Employers are ready to setup internships and Co-Op opportunities but don’t have the necessary connection to the youth population, 2021 RHS Presentation
Scholar Recommendations
- Recommended enhance the high school CTE program to include a resume workshop, email writing, mock interviews, 2021 RHS Presentation ‡
Summary of the Community's response so far
ACE MV includes these elements to their programming with plans to work more clossely with Martha's Vineyard Regional High School students