2023-2025 Youth Future Ready Oregon Grantee Map
An interactive map by Youth Development Oregon
In the 2023-2025 biennium nearly 30 applicants were awarded, representing over 6.5 million in funding by Youth Development Oregon. Below is a description of what Youth Future Ready Oregon grants are and an interactive map. By clicking on the green dots on the map you'll get a "pop up" information box providing the name of the organization, amount of funding requested and a summary of the funded project. You can zoom in and out by clicking the + and - symbols on bottom right of the map. You can also click and drag on the map to navigate across the map.
Youth Future Ready Oregon Grants
The Future Ready Youth Programs Grant supports efforts to provide out of school, unemployed and reengaged youth ages 14-24 with career exploration and skill development services that will lead to sustainable living wage career opportunities.
This grant is intended to support services that include, but are not limited to:
- Paid Work Experience for program participants, including Pre-Apprenticeships and Registered Apprenticeships
- Essential employability skills training, that includes Soft Skill Development, communication, teamwork, time management, interviewing, and other elements of Basic Work Readiness
- Job placement services and Job Coaching
- Workforce reentry services for youth involved in the justice system; and
- One-on-one career mentoring/counseling to ensure that youth have the tools they need to access employment and to thrive in their chosen careers
Note: Youth service(s) may not be exclusive to location on map
Questions? Email abraham.magana@ode.oregon.gov