Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization

Quarterly Public Engagement Update

January 2025


The Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is committed to meaningful public engagement throughout the transportation planning process. This includes ensuring that planning and policy decisions reflect and address the needs and priorities heard from stakeholders and members of the public throughout the Boston region.

MPO staff regularly update the MPO board on public engagement conducted and feedback collected to inform decision-making, particularly for the development of the next Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). This StoryMap outlines several key themes that were collected during public engagement activities conducted between August 1 and December 5, 2024. This update builds on a  previously presented public engagement update  that covered feedback collected from October 1, 2023, through July 31, 2024.That update provided additional background information on the MPO’s public engagement practice and the intentions for these updates. It is challenging to summarize the full breadth of topics discussed during engagement activities. These updates provide insight to trends that emerge over time.

During the four-month period that this update covered, staff received 117 comments. These came from a combination of members of the public, advocates, and municipal staff. During this time, staff participated in 14 virtual and eight in-person events and meetings.

In-person events are represented by yellow stars. Select a star to view more information about each event. 

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The following map represents the comments that staff received. Select a point to view more information about each comment.

This layer shows the total number of comments that were received from each subregion.

This layer shows the total number of comments that were received from each municipality. 

This layer shows the most common comment by theme discussed in each of the MPO’s subregions.

This layer shows the most common comment by theme discussed in each of the MPO’s municipalities.

This layer includes a point for each comment that contains a safety concern related to a specific location.

Change Over Time

The maps below represent the most common themes that were heard from each municipality during the time period this update covers (August through December 2024) as well as during the previous update’s time period (October 2023 through July 2024). Drag the slider from left to right to view the changes in themes across the two updates. When the slider is on the left, the map shows the current update, and when the slider is on the right, the map shows the previous update. 


This section explores several themes that emerged when reviewing comments received during the time period covered by this update (August 1, 2024, through December 5, 2024). While some themes and topics, such as safety and transit, were also highlighted in the  previous update  (October 1, 2023, through July 31, 2024), other themes are new. The themes below represent staff’s analysis of the overarching trends in comments received and topics discussed during the public engagement activities that took place during the time period this update covers. The chart to the right shows the number of comments that were received for each theme. Often, a single comment can discuss a range of themes or cover numerous topics. For example, an analysis of the comments revealed that the majority of the comments discussing congestion were also interested in the impact that this has on surrounding communities’ air quality.


Similar to the July 2024 update, many comments that MPO staff received discussed safety concerns, particularly for people who are walking, biking, or using mobility aids. Commenters discussed the importance of community education on safety and awareness of people walking and biking. The September 2024 collection of safety comments focused on improvements to  infrastructure, while the current collection of comments largely centers on the functionality for and comfort of people using the infrastructure. One commenter noted the importance of reducing the amount of conflict points between people on bikes and vehicles on roadways.


Transit remains a popular theme of the comments that the MPO receives. These comments cover an array of topics, but many focus on the need to expand bus services, both in frequency of service and the areas served. Commenters expressed concerns about overcrowding on transit. One commenter noted that as transit ridership increases, transit service frequency needs to increase with it. Commenters also mentioned a desire for improved bus service in Revere, Lynn, South Boston, and Mattapan. Other commenters advocated for the lower-cost transit service, emphasizing that transportation equity communities would benefit from reduced fares. 


On the topic of sustainability, MPO staff received comments touching on various aspects that impact the region’s changing climate. Commenters expressed a desire for more and safer access to open spaces and support for opportunities to integrate additional green infrastructure into project designs. Since the September update, an increased percentage of commenters also noted that roadway congestion contributes to regional greenhouse gas emissions and encouraged staff to continue pursuing efforts to reduce congestion and promote mode shift.

Public Engagement

Some comments received discussed the role that public engagement plays in project development. Commenters discussed the importance of transparency in the decision-making process along with frequent communication with underserved communities. Comments from both municipal staff and members of the public noted a desire to increase the quality of this engagement. Municipal staff discussed challenges that they encountered due to their staffing availability, while members of the public expressed a specific interest in improved engagement prior to construction.

Next Steps

Throughout the development of the MPO’s next LRTP, MPO staff will provide periodic updates on the themes that emerge from engagement activities. This is in an effort to improve the connection between public engagement input and the MPO’s planning and decision-making processes. These updates provide a recurring forum for MPO board members to engage with new and existing trends in public comments as they emerge.