Father John J. Griffin: A Life Through Photography

June 24, 1859 - November 16, 1921


The life story of Father Griffin shines a light on different avenues of history. One can understand science and technology, world traveling, the priesthood, and even camp counseling through his life. His importance as a figure comes from the lives he touched, and the institutions he changed. In this exhibit, we venture to illustrate Father Griffin's life and the effect he had on the world around him.

The Man of Many Homes

From an early age, Father Griffin (1859-1921) was accustomed to moving to new places and calling them home. After moving to Massachusetts from New York, Father Griffin would leave for college in Ottawa, Canada. Griffin would remain in Canada for multiple years, only to return to America for his Ph.D. and professor positions in Maryland. Although he would remain to teach in Maryland for thirty years, he split his time between Notre Dame College of Maryland and Catholic University. When away from academics, Father Griffin devoted his summers towards running a summer camp for boys, Camp Namaschaug, in New Hampshire. Father Griffin’s life and career gave him homes in all these places. 

The Scientist

For over thirty-five years, Father Griffin used his knowledge of chemistry and the sciences to teach the younger generation. Starting in 1895, after receiving his master's degree at the College of Ottawa in Canada, he began teaching at the same school in a class on Elementary Physics. After five years of teaching, Griffin traveled down to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland to earn his doctorate in chemistry with subordinate degrees in physics and mathematics. He earned his Ph.D. in 1895, and receive professor positions at both Notre Dame College of Maryland and Catholic University. 

As a scientist, Father Griffin conducted many experiments and tests with his students. During his time as an academic Father Griffin was contracted by the United States government to research chemical weapons. He stumbled upon a gas later named lewisite in an incident that almost took his life and the life of a colleague.

Notre Dame of Maryland

While he taught at two different schools, Father Griffin had a special relationship with Notre Dame of Maryland, the all-women's Catholic college in Baltimore, Maryland. He was the only chemistry teacher at the school when he joined the faculty in 1895. He served as the sole chemistry professor at Notre Dame from his first class until his last at the college.

By all accounts, Father Griffin was beloved by his students and colleagues. The diary that the sisters kept, called the Notre Dame Chronicle, includes many favorable references to "Father J.J." as he was affectionately called. The Chronicle includes mentions of his generosity. The sisters noted that Griffin saved the school money by taking photographs to send to the 1893 Chicago World's Fair. These photographs were some of the earliest taken of the college. Father Griffin even donated a new boat for the students to enjoy on the college's lake and paid for the school's fireworks celebration on the Fourth of July in 1897.

He was also famous for his special interest lectures. He talked about science and general interest subjects, but the favorites were the illustrated lectures series, discussed in further detail in "The World Traveler." He was also known on campus for his experiments and passion for photography. He was friendly with Cardinal Gibbons, the archbishop of Baltimore, who came to the campus on numerous occasions. When Griffin died in Baltimore in 1921, he laid in state at the college's chapel for days, and his funeral was attended by students, faculty, and friends in the clergy. He left the proceeds from Camp Namaschaug to the Sisters of Notre Dame in his will.

Camp Namaschaug

No matter where he was, Father Griffin was always ready to take pictures and establish memories. One of the places he made sure to document with his camera was Camp Namaschaug. While running the camp, Father Griffin used his camera to photograph the campers wherever they were, whether that be the woods, swimming in the lake, or somewhere else. Occasionally, he would even have a picture of himself taken. All of the pictures he took show the history that took place at Camp Namaschaug. 

Below is a compilation containing some of Griffin's slides of Camp Namaschaug.

The World Traveler

Aside from teaching chemistry to his students, Father Griffin also took pride in his illustrated lectures. Griffin gave these illustrated lectures on different countries showcasing the land, people, and culture. From everywhere from Japan to Rome, Father Griffin had dozens of pictures to immerse his students and colleagues. These lectures amazed viewers because of the clear and colorful images used in the slides. Father Griffin may have taken many of the photographs showcased in his expansive slide collection found in the Loyola Notre Dame Library Archives. He could also have purchased them without traveling to these various countries and regions.

This map showcases all of the places Father Griffin had slide photographs of. Whether or not he went to all these locations is unknown.

This map chronicles the many places Father Griffin toured in his illustrated lectures. Zoom in and out of the map to see the locations.

Here are three digitized versions of Father Griffins slides on Japan, Rome, and Constantinople (Istanbul):

Japan and the Japanese

Rome the Eternal City

Constantinople (Istanbul)


Father Griffin was a renaissance man living in the 19th and 20th centuries. He was a thinker, a scientist, a businessman, an artist, and a teacher. His story illuminates us to life in at this time, and to the unique life of Father John J. Griffin. His story is integral to institutions like Notre Dame of Maryland and to the lives he touched.


This digital exhibit was made by Joseph Seminara and Christopher Linfante in April 2021. It was created as a part of the Loyola Notre Dame Library (LNDL) Archives collection on Father John J. Griffin's personal papers. This online exhibit accompanies a physical exhibit of Father Griffin's various photographs, items, and papers located at the LNDL Archives. Father Griffin's contributions to Notre Dame of Maryland make him an important figure in the school's history, and we hope to illuminate his life and personality through these collections and exhibits.
