Annett Street & Malad Street Improvements

March 2024


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The Ada County Highway District (ACHD) is working on pedestrian improvements along Annett Street and Malad Street in Boise. This project will enhance pedestrian safety by adding consistent curb, gutter, and sidewalks on both sides of the street.

Additionally, the project will update pedestrian ramps in compliance with the  Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)  of 1990.  ADA requires that pedestrian ramps be designed to ensure accessibility for individuals with disabilities, including those using wheelchairs, walkers, or other mobility aids.

Learn more about the project below.

Project Overview

This project will address long-standing needs on Annett Street and Malad Streets while also implementing recommendations identified in the  Central Bench Neighborhood Plan . The project includes the following street segments:

· Annett Street, from Malad Street to Targee Street · Malad Street, from Annett Street to Federal Way

    • Annett Street
    • Malad Street

Project Map

Explore the Proposed Design

This section summarizes the key features of the proposed design for Annett Street and Malad Street.

Project Considerations

The proposed designs for Annett Street and Malad Street were developed with the following goals in mind:

  • Improve pedestrian safety
  • Preserve mature trees
  • Manage roadway drainage
  • Ensure Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance
  • Enhance traffic flow
  • Minimize impacts to properties
  • Improve road quality

Project Description

Annett Street, Malad Street to Targee Street

  • 10-foot travel lanes
  • 5-foot sidewalks along both sides
  • Shared bicycle/travel lanes (sharrows)
  • Bulb-outs
  • Speed humps

Proposed Design for Annett Street

Malad Street, Annett Street to Federal Way

  • 11-foot travel lanes
  • 6- to 7-foot sidewalks along both sides
  • Shared bicycle/travel lanes (sharrows)
  • Bulb-outs
  • Speed humps
  • On-street parking
  • Raised crosswalk at Malad Street, near Virginia Avenue
  • Railroad crossing and culvert replacement

Proposed Design for Malad Street

Key Features

Computer renderings of some of the key features have been developed to provide a graphical depiction of what the improvements could look like.

The graphics below are for illustrative purposes only. Exact street features and materials are subject to further study and refinement by ACHD.

Note: Click and drag the slider bar right and left to compare the key features to the existing road.

Shared Lanes

The design includes 10- to 11-foot travel lanes on Annett Street and Malad Street.

The lanes will include shared lane markings, or “sharrows,” which are painted road markings used to indicate that a road is expected to be shared by both bicycles and motor vehicles. 

Sharrows remind drivers and cyclists to share the road safely.


Continuous attached 5-foot to 7-foot sidewalks are proposed along both sides of Annett Street and Malad Street.

Sidewalks are attached in areas adjacent to on-street parking to avoid impacting existing landscaping.

Rendering location: Annett Street, near Malad Street

Renderings are for illustrative purposes only

On-Street Parking

There is currently no official designated parking available on either street. Dedicated on-street parking will be provided along Malad Street where cars are currently parked.

Rendering location: Malad Street, near Federal Way

Renderings are for illustrative purposes only


Bulb-outs are proposed throughout the project area to increase safety for pedestrians.

Bulb-outs extend the sidewalk or curb line out into the street and increase safety by:

  • Narrowing the street to shorten crossing distance for pedestrians
  • Slowing vehicles

Raised Crosswalks

A raised crosswalk is proposed at Malad Street, near Virginia Avenue.

Raised crosswalks are ramped speed tables with paint markings that allow pedestrians to cross at grade with the sidewalk.

Rendering location: Malad Street, near Virginia Avenue

Renderings are for illustrative purposes only

Share Your Feedback

Please use the survey below to share your feedback on the Annett Street and Malad Street Improvements with ACHD. After the comment period closes, ACHD will review, and address comments received from the public.

Please complete the survey by March 28, 2024.

Survey | ACHD Engage

Project Schedule

July 2023

Project started

Summer 2023

Gathered data (utilities, roadway conditions, speed/volume, and on-street parking)

Fall 2023

Developed design

Winter 2024

Gather public feedback (WE ARE HERE)


Begin purchasing property necessary for project


Start construction

Contact Us

Jenzi Ware, ACHD Project Manager

208.387.6263 |

Proposed Design for Annett Street

Proposed Design for Malad Street