2024 Forests of Maine Teachers' Tours

Maine educators spent a week in Fort Kent and Poland Spring, learning about Maine's forest ecology, economy, and community

What are Teachers' Tours?

The Maine TREE Foundation has been hosting two four-day Forests of Maine Teachers' Tours annually since 1997. The Teachers' Tours bring Maine educators to commercial forests, recreation areas, mills, conservation lands, and family woodlots to showcase Maine's forest industry, ecology, and job opportunities. This program provides access to outdoor education for all grades and subjects while fostering a unique connection between forestry professionals and teachers. It enhances environmental education by connecting those who manage our forests with those who are shaping young minds.

Teachers' Tours feature different regions of the state each year, but they all follow a similar structure. Educators gain a solid understanding of Maine's forestry sector, visit various managed woodlands, tour a mill, and work together to start incorporating essential insights into their back-to-school planning.

The 2024 Forests of Maine Teachers' Tours traveled through Fort Kent and Poland Spring.

Where Were Teachers From?

Schools and organizaitons where 2024 Teachers' Tour participants educate. Fort Kent participants indicated in purple. Poland Spring participants indicated in green.

Fort Kent Teachers' Tour

Fort Kent Teachers' Tour Participants with St. John Valley Regional Technology Center harvesting equipment and students.

Poland Spring Teachers' Tour

Poland Spring Teachers' Tour Students at Hancock Lumber Company

Forest-Based Education Workshops

Thank You!

With grant funding support provided by:

Maine Timberlands Charitable Trust, Onion Foundation, Elmina B. Sewall Foundation

A Special Thanks to Our Tour Stop Hosts & Presenters

Maine Forest Service, Ash Protection Collaboration Across Wabanakik, and Thomas Newell

Fort Kent: Irving Woodlands, Irving Sawmills, Laura Audibert, St. John Valley Regional Technology Center, Twin Rivers Paper Company, JRS Logging & Firewood, & University of Maine at Fort Kent

Poland Spring: 207 Forestry Consulting, Hancock Lumber Company, Kimball & Sons Logging, Maine Bureau of Parks & Lands, & Old Castle Lawn & Garden

Are you ready to join us next year?

2024 Forests of Maine Teachers' Tour

Maine TREE Foundation


Kayci Willis


Logan Johnson, Lena Ives, Hope Light, Paulina Murray, and CJ Herlihy

Fort Kent Teachers' Tour Participants with St. John Valley Regional Technology Center harvesting equipment and students.

Poland Spring Teachers' Tour Students at Hancock Lumber Company