Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation (HHFDC) & Department of Accounting and General Services (DAGS)
Welcome to the State of Hawaii, Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation's (HHFDC) website for the Kahului Civic Center Mixed-Use Complex Project. The Project is being undertaken by the HHFDC and the Department of Accounting and General Services (DAGS) as part of a collaborative effort to plan multi-use spaces for the community.
On behalf of the HHFDC, G70 has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) pursuant to HRS, Chapter 343, and HAR, Chapter 11-200.1, which includes supporting studies and documents. The EA includes a description of the proposed action; alternatives considered; a description of the existing environment; identification and analysis of potential impacts; and proposed mitigation measures.
This website allows you to learn about the Project as well as keep you posted on upcoming community meetings and events.
Kahului Civic Center Mixed-Use Project:
- The State of Hawaii owns the fee simple title to the Kahului Civic Center Mixed-Use Complex Project site, located at 153 West Kaahumanu Avenue, Kahului, Maui, Hawaii. It has a total land area of 5.572 acres, and is identified by Tax Map Key No. (2) 3-7-004: 003.
- The Project site was set aside to the DAGS by Executive Order No. 3586 dated May 20, 1993 for Kahului Civic Center purposes.
- The Project site was set aside to HHFDC by Executive Order No. 4590 dated July 29, 2019 for development of a mixed-use project consisting of multi-family affordable rental housing, office space/civic center, new Maui bus hub and other incidental use.
The Project is along the County of Maui’s Kaahumanu Ave Community Corridor initiative. As described by the County of Maui "The Kaahumanu Ave Community Corridor is an exciting initiative to develop a community-supported vision for affordable housing and new transportation options on Maui’s busiest corridor." For further information for the Kaahumanu Ave Corridor initiative please visit their website at :
Project Description:
- Address: 153 West Kaahumanu Ave, Kahului, HI 96732
- Tax Map Key: (2) 3-7-004: 003 (por.)
- Project Area: Approximately 4.722 Acres (Entire TMK parcel is 5.572 acres, which includes the 0.85 acres dedicated for the new Central Maui Transit Hub). The Kahului Civic Center Mixed-Use Complex Project site is not ceded land.
- County Zoning: B-2 - Business-Community
- State Land Use District: Urban
- Existing Uses: A one-story building for the Department of Education's McKinley Community School for Adults; a one-story lawnmower maintenance building; a one-story collapsed building; and a parking lot with 21 parking spaces.
- Surrounding Uses: The Project site is surrounded by a mix of commercial, residential, and resort uses. North of the site is the Maui Beach Hotel, and west of the site is the Queen Kaahumanu Center, a shopping center with a variety of retailers. The Waterfront Apartments at Kahului are east of the site, and south of the site is currently being developed for Kahului Lani, an affordable senior housing complex.
Proposed Project:
The development program for the Kahului Civic Center Mixed-Use Complex Project consists of the following:
i. Multi-family (affordable and market rate): Approximately 300 units;
ii. Approximately 66,000 Square Feet Civic Center:
- State Office Space: Approximately 38,000-43,000 Square Feet;
- Adult School & Supporting Space for DOE: Approximately 7,000 Square Feet;
- Kahului Public Library: Approximately 16,000 Square Feet;
iii. Approximately 5,000 Square Feet of community oriented commercial space may be included in either the multi-family housing building(s) or the Civic Center.
iv. Parking for all the various uses.
vi. The program spaces may be adjusted due to the needs and priorities of State agencies and availability of funding.
The Proposed site plan for the Kahului Civic Center Mixed-Use Complex Project shows 0.85 acres dedicated to the new Central Maui Transit Hub, at the corner of Vevau Street and School Street. In addition, the current Kahului Public Library (shown in pink in the adjacent proposed site plan) will be moved to the Project site. Kaahumanu Avenue is shown in yellow to indicate the Kaahumanu Ave Community Corridor initiative by the County of Maui.
Please check this page regularly for updates about community meetings, and to access contents from past meeting presentations and documents prepared for the Project.
Public Meetings:
Due to health and safety concerns regarding COVID-19, community outreach and engagement efforts have changed to adapt to the State and local mandates for group gatherings. Therefore, for everyone’s health and safety, all meetings will be held virtually.
- February 15, 2022 Public Meeting No. 2:
Please click on the items listed below to access contents from the 2/15/2022 public meeting.
If you have questions about the Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact, please contact Stan S. Fujimoto, HHFDC Project Manager at (808) 587-0541, or Jeff Overton, G70 Principal at (808) 523-5866, or HHFDCoutreach@g70.design
- February 25, 2021 Public Meeting No.1:
Please click on the items listed below to access contents from the 2/25/2021 public meeting.
Documents for the Project:
- Draft Environmental Assessment:
The Draft Environmental Assessment and Anticipated Finding of No Significant Impact (DEA-AFONSI) for the Project was published on January 23, 2022 in the Office of Planning and Sustainable Development, Environmental Review Program's (ERP) semi-monthly publication, The Environmental Notice. The 30-day comment period commenced on January 23, 2022 and it will end on February 22, 2022.
A PDF copy (searchable) of the DEA-AFONSI can be accessed at the following link:
Hardcopies of the DEA-AFONSI are also available at the Hawaii Documents Center and the Wailuku Public Library.
- Final Environmental Assessment
The Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact (FEA-FONSI) for the Project was published on May 8, 2022 in ERP's semi-monthly publication, The Environmental Notice.
A PDF copy (searchable) of the FEA-FONSI can be accessed at the following link:
Hardcopies of the FEA-FONSI are also available at the Hawaii Documents Center and the Wailuku Public Library.