
  • 16 tasking manager projects to map building footprints and roads covering 5 towns/districts in Turkey and 7 districts in Syria.
  • A data ethics and protection assessment to responsibly respond to information requests in Syria, and involved partners to review it.
  • OSM data access for Turkey and Syria with daily updates to  HOT's Humanitarian Data Exchange Page .

Example mapping campaign in HOT's  Tasking Manager 

"Bouncing forward" represents a transformative form of resilience, contrasting with the traditional notion of bouncing back. This concept, based on  McWethy et al.'s (2019)  definition, entails a shift in how individuals interact with their environment, embracing the fluid and dynamic nature of environmental change. Bouncing forward involves framing reconstruction through the lens of climate change and prioritizing climate smart activities. Rather than merely "building back" as emphasized in disaster risk reduction manuals, this approach encourages reimagining the future of a place, considering climate and environmental change as inevitable factors that will shape the living environments an livelihoods in the short and long term.

Example mapping campaign in HOT's  Tasking Manager