Patapsco Regional Greenway Elkridge to Guinness

Selected Alignment - Patapsco Route, Modified


The  Patapsco Regional Greenway Plan  was approved by the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) in 2017. The plan maps the main alignment of a 40-mile greenway connecting Sykesville in Carroll County to the Baltimore Inner Harbor and traversing the Patapsco Valley in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, and Howard Counties. Parts of the 10-12 foot wide shared-use trail are already constructed and open for use. The remaining segments will be designed and constructed based on jurisdictional priorities and funding availability.

This StoryMap will show the decision-making process for choosing the selected alignment of the Patapsco Regional Greenway connecting Patapsco Valley State Park, Main Street in Elkridge, and the Guinness Open Gate Brewery and offer the public a chance to weigh in on additional design elements for the chosen Patapsco Route alignment. The project is sponsored by Baltimore and Howard Counties and managed by the Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC).

BMC and our partners solicited input from the public on conceptual alignment alternatives and design options in July 2020 (see link below).

While preferences for the alignment alternatives varied, feedback on the project was overwhelmingly positive. Following public input and detailed discussions with project partners and stakeholders, an alignment was selected to carry forward into design. 

Alternative Alignments

The design team studied the area to develop three alternatives for the Elkridge to Guinness connection and Patapsco River crossing. The conceptual design of the three alternatives was based on the following considerations:

Each alternative presented includes a hard surface 10-12 foot wide hard surface trail, on-road features, and a bridge crossing the Patapsco River.

Alternative 1 - The Patapsco Route

The Patapsco Route starts at the existing underpass close to the Guinness Open Gate Brewery via the existing power line maintenance road. The route brings visitors into Historic Elkridge via a bridge over the Patapsco River. The alternative calls for changing Main Street to a one-way road to provide sufficient space for a separated bike lane through Elkridge and across Route 1 via the signalized intersection at Levering Avenue before crossing I-895 into Patapsco Valley State Park.

Length 1.8 Miles

Cost Range. $2.5 to $4.2 Million

Alternative 2 - The Northern Link

The Northern Link starts at the existing underpass close to the Guinness Open Gate Brewery. It parallels the north side of Interstate 895 to under the Interstate 195 Bridge, then cuts across a small tributary via a bridge and boardwalk network. The trail extends across Route 1 via a signalized intersection and then to South Street via another signalized intersection. It then traverses into the Patapsco Valley State Park and across the Patapsco River to the Thomas Viaduct. A sharrow or a shared-use lane marking along Levering Avenue allows trail users access to Historic Elkridge. Levering Avenue is a low volume road.

Length 1.2 Miles

Cost Range  $1.9 to $2.4 Million

Alternative 3 - The Elkridge Spur

The Elkridge Spur is a blend of efficiency with an opportunity to enjoy the serenity of the Patapsco River. It starts at the existing underpass close to the Guinness Open Gate Brewery. It parallels the north side of Interstate 895 to under the Interstate 195 Bridge, then cuts across a small tributary via a bridge and boardwalk network. The trail extends across Route 1 via a signalized intersection and then to South Street via another signalized intersection. It then traverses into the Patapsco Valley State Park and across the Patapsco River to the Thomas Viaduct. A sharrow or a shared-use lane marking along Levering Avenue allows trail users access to Historic Elkridge. Levering Avenue is a low volume road.

Another spur heads north toward the Patapsco River with views into the forested floodplain and surrounding wetlands. This option requires additional expense to develop a boardwalk network over the regulated wetlands along the floodplain. 

Length 2.5 Miles

Cost Range $3.8 to $4.3 Million

Selected Alignment - Patapsco Route, Modified

Based on input from the public and our project partners, and considering factors such as constructability, cost, and impact, a modified version of the Patapsco Route was chosen as the selected alignment, and preliminary design drawings were developed. 

The modified alignment will provide a practical, constructible, and impactful investment. It will provide new pedestrian and bicycle access connecting Howard and Baltimore Counties via a scenic bridge crossing over the Patapsco River while also leveraging Howard County’s existing investments in the transportation network and Main Street's general comfort levels Levering Avenue for biking and walking.

Length 1.9 Miles

Cost Range $2.6 to $3.1 Million

Click the numbered dots to see existing conditions and experience the trail views along the selected alignment. Click on the colored lines to get a description of the trial type.

Design Features Along the Selected Alignment

The following slides show before and after renderings of how the trail might look as integrated into the existing site.

Patapsco Floodplain - Existing Condition

The trail was designed to fit between the trees along the Patapsco Floodplain. A concrete boardwalk is a resilient material that elevates the trail above the 100-year floodplain and protects the important habitat along the river corridor.

Patapsco Floodplain - Proposed Boardwalk

The experience opens unique views along the Patapsco River to view birds and other wildlife.

Existing Maintenance Road

Where appropriate, the trail is designed on the existing utility maintenance road. The alignment reduces the cost to construct the Greenway and minimizes impacts to the floodplain.

Trail and Maintenance Road

The asphalt pavement design is thicker on these sections of the trail to handle the heavier utility maintenance vehicles. The 54-inch tall trail guardrail protects the users from the steep slope along the pond. Signs, gates, and bollards are included to protect trail users while allowing maintenance vehicles access.

Patapsco River

The Patapsco River close to the existing Interstate 895 onramp.

Patapsco River - Bridge Crossing

The 250-foot long prefabricated pedestrian bridge provides safe passage for trail users and views and vistas down the Patapsco River.

Existing Main Street

Main Street is a low speed street with options for integrating bicyclists.

Main Street Sharrows/Bikes May Use Full Lane

Additional signs and markings will help create a street that more fully integrates the transportation network and the general comfort levels of Main Street.

Potential Trail Activities and Amenities

Site amenities improve trail user experiences. The following are some amenities to consider along this section of the Greenway:

  • Outdoor Educational Opportunities
  • Seating and Benches
  • Bike Repair Stations
  • Pet Waste Stations
  • Way-Finding Signs
  • Interpretive Signs
  • Bike Racks
  • Overlooks

Share Your Thoughts!

We invite you to share your feedback on future design elements of the Patapsco Regional Greenway from Elkridge from Wednesday, December 16, 2020, through Monday, January 11, 2021.

There are multiple ways you can connect with us:

Click  here  to take our five-minute survey.

Email your thoughts to 

Call 410-732-0500 x 1042 and leave a voicemail with your feedback. 

Share your thoughts via Twitter at @BaltoMetroCo | @BmoreInvolved | #BRTBlistens

Thank You and Next Steps

BMC would like to thank our partners and collaborators on this preliminary design project:

  • Baltimore County
  • Howard County
  • Baltimore Gas and Electric
  • Diageo
  • Maryland Department of Transportation
  • The Secretary's Office
  • Transportation Authority
  • State Highway Administration
  • Maryland Park Service
  • BMC Public Advisory Committee
  • Elkridge Community Association
  • Friends of Patapsco Valley State Park
  • A. Morton Thomas & Associates Consultant Team
  • and YOU!

Following this preliminary design, Howard and Baltimore Counties, in partnership with the Maryland Park Service, will apply for a grant from the Maryland Department of Transportation to complete the design.