Sauk County Farmland Preservation Plan
Sauk County is undergoing an update of the farmland preservation plan.

Wisconsin's Farmland Preservation Program helps farmers and local governments preserve farmland, protect soil and water, and minimize land use conflicts. Through participation in the program:
- Counties develop farmland preservation plans.
- Local governments can develop farmland preservation zoning districts.
- Landowners and local governments together form Agricultural Enterprise Areas.
- Landowners meet soil and water conservation standards to become eligible to claim an income tax credit. -Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (DATCP)
Sauk County adopted its first farmland preservation plan in 1979. Today, there are 372 participants enrolled in the program across the county, preserving nearly 75,000 acres of farmland.
In 2023, the Sauk County Land Resources and Environment Department began the process of updating the plan, which is required every 10 years in the State of Wisconsin.
On December 6, 2023, Governor Evers signed Assembly Bill 133, now Wisconsin Act 42, which makes changes to farmland preservation agreements minimum term lengths and increasing farmland preservation tax credits for all current participants. These changes go into effect starting on December 8, 2023 and will affect tax credit claims beginning tax year 2023.
Draft Plan
Plan Timeline
Inventory and Mapping
November 2023-June 2024 This is the research phase of the planning process. Census data and maps will be updated during this process. Current resources will also be updated, as well as conditions and trends in Sauk County. Conservation groups and programs throughout the county will reflect the current efforts at work.
November 2023-January 2024 During this phase, the webpage that provides updates on the plan will be developed, and an ArcGIS StoryMap will be created for public viewing. A public participation plan will be developed by the planning team, in coordination with the guiding coalition. Questions and prompts for local producers will be developed by the guiding coalition.
Listening Sessions
February - March 2024 The guiding coalition will host three on-site events for community members to participate in a listening session. Each listening session will be located in a different land use technician's section of the county to encourage local participation by local producers. At each listening session, support will be provided by the guiding coalition.
Plan Draft
December 2024 The planning team and guiding coalition will assess the public input that was gathered to draft the sections of the plan that rely on the public input, such as key issues, goals, and objectives.
Online Feedback
February-March 2025 The plan draft will be presented to the public via an online forum. The public will be allowed the opportunity to present their verbal and written opinion for review by the planning team. Input gathered during this online feedback will be utilized when completing the finalized plan.
Finalized Planning
April-May 2025 After revisions of the plan draft are completed, it will be presented to community stakeholders and citizens for public comment via the webpage.
Plan Adoption
May 2025 The final plan will be submitted for approval to the Land Resources and Environment committee and the County Board.
Farmland Preservation Map
This map shows the distribution of land eligible for the farmland preservation program (green) across Sauk County, as well as transition areas (yellow) adjacent to incorporated areas. The map also identifies the unincorporated development areas (red) throughout the county.
Farmland Preservation Plan Events
Listening sessions
Thursday, February 8th 3:00-6:00 pm
Village of Rock Springs Community Center 251 Railroad St, Rock Springs, WI 53961
Thursday, February 15th 3:00-6:00 pm
La Valle Town Hall 314 State Hwy 33/58, La Valle, WI 53941
Thursday, February 22nd 3:00-6:00 pm
Kraemer Library & Community Center 910 Main St., Plain, WI 53577
Farmland Preservation Updates
Please check back for further updates about the planning process.
Conservation Resources
Contact Us
Melissa Schlupp, Conservation Manager Email: Phone: 608-355-4838 Brian Simmert, Planning and Zoning Manager Email: Phone: 608-355-4834 Brian Sadler, Conservation Specialist Email: Phone: 608-355-4837 Cassandra Fowler, Senior Planner Email: Phone: 608-355-4832