Effect of Ocean Warming Trends on Cod Spawning

Analyzing the GSC HMA and looking at large scale temperature related trends

Initial Question

The Great South Chanel Habitat Management Area (GSC HMA)

Prohibits fishing on spawning grounds

Is this area outdated?

Management Area with clam dredge exemption zones shown.

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Overall View

Coastal Northward Trend

Complete Cod absence in south

Clusters around Georges Bank and Gulf of Maine

Where did they go?

Lack of Cod Spawning Information

Information on where they like to spawn

More than temperature

Habitat Suitability Index Model based on these factors

Determine suitable areas for apprpriate management

Factor #1


Multidimensional data, time and temperature (NetCDF)

Time slider by year 1974-2019

4-8 degrees Celsius Light Blue and Green Blue

Black dot size = Survey point WTCPUE quantity

White dots show absence of cod at survey point

Create suitability model by year - dynamic data

Can predict future based on suitability change over time


Factor #2

Substrate Type

Substrate Type Layer USGS

Analysis run to rank substrates based on suitability.

Graph #1 is weighted by WTCPUE

Graph #2 is only Points

This chart shows density of cod distribution by substrate using weight count measures.

This chart shows density of cod distribution by substrate using sightings without weight count.

Factor #3


We will use a similar approach with bathymetry

Shallower water = more nutrients and feeding oppurtunities

Quantatitive data ranges

Darker blue = deeper

Lighter blue = shallower

Didn't use WTCPUE in initial analysis

Bathymetry stats in our study area of cod distribution points

GEBCO Bathymetry data

Other Factors?

Distribution data - how far do cod travel from spawning sight?

Sea floor geomorphology - Esri Sea Floor Geomorhpology Map Service

El Niño and La Niña

Open to adding any factors

Next Steps

Weighting each factor

Ranking each variation

Suggest movement of outdated management areas

Broaden our horizon to other species

Fall "Dismap" data points

Policy Changes and Education

Final thoughts

GSC HMA is outdated

Northward cod movement poses ecological and economic threat

Overal decrease in suitable habitat

Final grant goal: To create a working suitability and prediction model for cod spawning suitability and template for use on other species.

Bathymetry stats in our study area of cod distribution points

Management Area with clam dredge exemption zones shown.

This chart shows density of cod distribution by substrate using weight count measures.

This chart shows density of cod distribution by substrate using sightings without weight count.