Mikumi National Park

"Wildlife at a Glance"

Welcome to Mikumi National Park

Mikumi National Park Location

As accessible as it is, Mikumi is the most appealing Park to a safari. This Park will give a true taste of an African safari while preserving your precious time.

The Park has a variety of wildlife that can be easly seen. Its closeness to Dar makes it an ideal place for weekend visitors who don’t have to spend a long time on an extended safari itinerary.

The park derives its name from a palm tree called Borassus palm which once grew there and covers an area of 3,230km2


The Park experiences bi-modal rainfall season with short rains starting from October to early November and long rains from March to May and dry season is from late June to September.

It is located at an altitude between200m and 800meters with annual average rainfall ranging from ……. to …….mm.

Getting there

The Park can be accessed by road or air

Road. The park is 283km from Dar es salaam and 118 from Morogoro town.

Air. Scheduled flights from all the main centers in Tanzania but often routing via Dar-es-salaam.

Park attractions

The Park harbors fascinating attractions most notably the Hippo pools that provide close access to the mud loving beasts and bird watching. Zebra, wildebeest, impala and buffalo are found on the grassy plains.

Tourism activities

There are different activities that you can do while in Mikumi National Park and that includes; Day and night game viewing, long and short walking Safaris, camping, Filming, photographing, Bird watching, bush meals and picnicking.


There are different accommodations facilities inside the park including Bandas, Cottages and Guest rooms, Public, Private and Special campsites and lodges.

Visit Mikumi National Park Today