Ocean County Natural Lands Trust Fund
On November 4, 1997 Ocean County voters authorized an open space tax of 1.2 cents per every $100 of equalized assessed value for conservation and farmland preservation purposes.
For 25 years, the Ocean County Natural Lands Trust has provided residents and visitors with natural open spaces intended for the enjoyment of nature, protection of our natural resources, and preservation of our important farming industry.
The Ocean County Planning Department is charged with oversight of the Ocean County Natural Lands Trust Fund Program, which consists of natural lands preserves, farmland preservation easements, and administration of the open space tax.
Trust for Public Land, "The Century Plan"
The initial motivation behind the Ocean County Natural Lands Trust Fund proposal was the publication of “The Century Plan" in 1995 by the Trust for Public Land (TPL). The report documented significant remaining natural parcels in the Barnegat Bay Watershed of Ocean County, describing important flora and fauna species present in each of them.
Direction and visioning for the program has come from targeting those sites originally identified within “The Century Plan” and working with other agencies to preserve environmentally sensitive areas.
Help Maintain Rural Character
The OCNLT was established with the main objective of protecting the quality of life in the County which is guided through the following general goals:
1. Help maintain the rural character of the County.
Protect Critical Environmental Resources
The OCNLT was established with the main objective of protecting the quality of life in the County which is guided through the following general goals:
1. Help maintain the rural character of the County.
2. Protect critical environmental resources of the County.
Maintain and Enhance Active Agriculture
The OCNLT was established with the main objective of protecting the quality of life in the County which is guided through the following general goals:
1. Help maintain the rural character of the County.
2. Protect critical environmental resources of the County.
3. Maintain and enhance active agriculture in the County.
Buffer Areas That Are Not Compatible with Development
The OCNLT was established with the main objective of protecting the quality of life in the County which is guided through the following general goals:
1. Help maintain the rural character of the County.
2. Protect critical environmental resources of the County.
3. Maintain and enhance active agriculture in the County.
4. Buffer areas that are not compatible for development in the County.
Toms River Corridor
The Toms River watershed is the largest and provides approximately a quarter of the overall freshwater input to the estuary. In 2004, the Pinelands Commission issued a report developed by a task force on the Toms River Corridor Study Area.
This report highlighted the importance of the Toms River and its tributaries within this study area, including more than a dozen plant and animal species that are classified as threatened or endangered.
As a result of the report, Jackson and Manchester Townships adopted master plan amendments and zoning changes. In Jackson Township, those branches of the Toms River within the study area have a 300-foot wetlands buffer and an additional 300-foot habitat buffer limiting development within these areas.
Regional Priorities
Through the preservation of natural resources the quality of life for residents and visitors of Ocean County can be sustained. The program objectives of the OCNLT are targeted at protecting and enhancing regional resources of Ocean County in order to promote the general well-being of the public.
Of particular importance to the residents of Ocean County is protecting water resources.
Manahawkin Marsh and Route 9 Corridor
The Manahawkin Marsh Preserve in Stafford Township is a collection of acquisitions that started with a single 93-acre acquisition in 2005. The preserve created a buffer from development along Route 72, the gateway to Long Beach Island. Properties along the Route 9 corridor were added over time to provide an additional buffer beyond the existing acquisition boundary of the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge.
These properties total approximately 350 acres and include a portion of the abandoned Tuckerton Railroad.
West Turkey Swamp
The West Turkey Swamp Preserve located in Jackson Township is approximately 900 acres. The original acquisition of 464 acres was completed in two phases in 2001 and as part of larger acquisition managed by TPL which included tracts in Monmouth County.
Preservation of this area was important as it serves as a headwaters area for the C1 Metedeconk River.
Forked River Mountains
The Forked River Mountains Area and Vicinity, a Century Plan site, is located in Barnegat, Lacey, and Ocean Townships.
In February 2019, the County acquired a 7,923-acre tract including the two peaks known as the Forked River Mountains. This was the largest acquisition of the program in size and by cost.
This acquisition was the culmination of years of targeted outreach and acquisitions by the County and several partner conservation agencies around the site.
Barnegat Branch Trail
In 2002, the County acquired sections of the former Barnegat Branch of the Central New Jersey Railroad property in Barnegat, Ocean, and Berkeley Townships. Generally a 50' wide former ROW consisting of many blocks and lots totaling approximately 52 acres.
Barnegat Branch Trail
In 2007, the first phase of trail development was completed. The trail has been developed as recreational use corridor which was preserved mainly due to the NLTF.
When complete the Barnegat Branch Trail, or BBT, will span over 16 miles from Barnegat Township to downtown Toms River.
Former NJ Pulverizing Site
In 2016, the County acquired a former sand mine known as the NJ Pulverizing site in Berkeley Township. Due to its mining history, the property consists of a several blackwater ponds, a large open lake, fields, and areas of successional vegetation.
This 812-acre site is unique in that it was the largest undeveloped tract of land in a single ownership east of the Garden State Parkway. At one time the site was under threat of development for approximately 1,600 single family homes.
Former NJ Pulverizing Site, cont.
The site presents many opportunities for passive recreational enjoyment and the Barnegat Branch Trail will be developed along the eastern edge of the property.
A Conservation Management Plan providing a detailed site history, resource inventory, and a conceptual layout of restoration and recreation opportunities has been developed by the County's consultant, Princeton Hydro + Strauss Associates/Planners.
Ocean County NLTF
As of 9/26/2022, the County has acquired over 26,346 acres of open space under the Natural Lands Trust Fund. An additional 3,466 acres of farms have been preserved.
A 2019 open space tax referendum amended the open space tax to allow for the acquisition, development, and maintenance for recreational purposes (parks) as well as for historic preservation purposes.
The Ocean County Natural Lands Trust Fund Advisory Committee reviews and makes recommendations on all real property acquisitions coming out of the Trust Fund.