Summer Fellowship at Atlas Preparatory School

Colorado College Public Interest Fellowship Program (PIFP)


  • Anna Mackey, Class of 2024
  • Major: Sociology, Minor: Education
  • Hometown: Cambridge, MA

I am currently a third-year student with particular interest in the intersection of sociology and education. I am interested in both quantitative and qualitative community-based research projects. I want to pursue data analysis as well as writing for non-profits and advocacy organisations. I am looking to gain familiarity with education, psychology, and public health research. I also am passionate about teaching and exploring a career in public education.

Office Art


Position Title: Human Resources Assistant at  Atlas Preparatory School   Employer Name: Annie Palazzolo Location: 1450 Academy Park Loop Colorado Springs, CO 80910, On-Site Industry: Education Administration Programs

Summary: Atlas Prep School is a charter school in the Southeast part of Colorado Springs that approaches its students' self-fulfillment through three pillars: education, character, and community. Atlas serves a 95% low-income student body and works to provide a high-quality education to reduce generational cycles of poverty. Atlas promotes individualized pathways whether that be college, apprenticeships, military, or entering the workforce.

Left to right: NSI Day 1, Tumblers and planners we made for NSI/ASI and Some not all :) of the swag bags

ASI Day 2

My role as the HR assistant this summer has introduced me to various aspects of HR, ranging from talent acquisition and onboarding to employee relations and auditing processes. I took on multiple projects this summer that involved tracking missing employee files as the Atlas HR team transitioned to a new payroll system. I assisted with new employee onboarding tasks in collaboration with the HR Specialist and fielded incoming employee inquiries. In addition, I also was invited to sit in on many in-person interviews and sample teaches, and work with the Talent Acquisition Specialist to better understand the hiring process. In the last month, I have been working to organize the New Staff Institution (NSI) and All Staff Institution (ASI) that facilitate teachers' transition from summer into the upcoming school year. I organized close to 200 name tags and swag bags, as well as created decorations for both events. Additionally, I worked on a handbook video with animations and voice-overs explaining the updated handbook. The hands-on experience I gained has been invaluable, and I am confident that the skills I developed here will serve me well in my future endeavors.

Spreadsheet Tracking Missing Employee Files and Handbook Video for All Staff Institution

The HR team in is filled with amazing women who all welcomed me with open arms and I am grateful for the friendships I have formed at Atlas. From the moment I stepped into the office, I felt welcomed and supported by the entire HR team. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to work with such a dedicated and talented group of professionals. Each day presented new challenges and learning opportunities, and I feel fortunate to have been a part of a team that nurtures growth and encourages creativity.


Share a summary of the goals you set for your internship. To what extent did I accomplish these goals? How did I accomplish them? What’s different now?


The hands-on experience I gained this summer has been invaluable, and I am confident that the skills I developed here will serve me well in my future endeavours. I saw first hand the impact that excellent organisation and an eye for detail makes in promoting educational equity and opportunity for students. In addition, my perspective changed on interpersonal and challenges and how to approach problem-solving in a workplace. Additionally, my time in the HR department enhanced my confidentiality, verbal and written communication skills.


As I move forward in my career journey, I will carry the lessons and memories from my internship at Atlas with me. The direct experience of working in a school has informed but also changed how I will approach my involvement in the education field. I am inspired to work at a school that deeply believes in the potential of their students while acknowledging and fighting against the social or economic factors that contribute to the opportunity gap. I think my summer at Atlas has unveiled the time, effort, motivation and energy that it takes to properly achieve a mission based on educational equity and success.

Pictures from the office

Throughout the fellowship, I had the opportunity to build connections with my coworkers in the HR department. The women I worked with are people I see as both mentors and colleagues that were always ready to lend a hand and share knowledge. My time working with in the HR department has already lent a hand in introducing new opportunities. I was also able to connect with the Atlas Executive Director, who is a CC Alumni. I am confident I will maintain the connections I have made here at Atlas.

I am proud of the work I have accomplished this summer and my coworkers have always expressed their appreciation my time auditing employee files. Although sometimes it is not the most glamorous work, I am proud that I was able to complete tasks that are an integral part of keeping the school organized and running efficiently.

I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and will always remember the positive impact this experience has had on my life.


My Roomate (Julia) and I on our front stoop

Hiking Oxford and Belford in July

This summer, I lived off campus with one of my roommates from the school year. My job at Atlas had a very consistent schedule, which supported a great work-life balance and allowed me to establish a daily rouitine. Many of my CC friends were also around this summer, and we were able to explore Colorado towns and outdoor adventures every weekend. I also worked as a hostess at a sushi restaurant downtown. I did a lot of reading, cooking and yoga this summer and had a lot of porch time with my friends. I learned that establishing a routine and sticking to it is the key to being successful in my job and personal life. I need to have time everyday off a computer screen and doing things I love to retain motivation at work. I also learned that having friendly and social coworkers is necessary aspect of what makes me happy in a working environment.


As I enter my final year of college, I am focused on refining how I want to get involved in Education. After a summer working in a school on the administrative side, I am much more aware of the variety of roles it takes to run a functioning school. Whether I decide to get my masters in teaching or explore a career in Education policy analysis, after this summer I am more grounded in my decision to get involved in public Education.


  • Be thoughtful about the questions you ask
    • I definitely felt pressure to do everything "right" the first few weeks of working. However, it is important to consider your impact on higher ups and the significance of your questions before taking time from your bosses. Although my boss was extremely receptive to any questions I had, I learned that asking thought out questions in a efficient manner is the respectful way to approach learning.
  • Talk to everyone!
    • Everyone at Atlas is extremely friendly. Most people are more than happy to talk about the Education field and give advice or suggestions for future opportunities. I wish I would have taken advantage their wisdom and expertise sooner.
  • Put effort into workplace relationships
    • Forming relationships in the office has been a huge reason why I enjoyed my time at Atlas. I think social interaction can have a significant impact my efficiency, motivation and teamwork skills. Engage with the wonderful people who work here and hopefully your paths will cross again in the future.
  • Offer to do more!
    • If you feel like you have nothing to do, think about extra tasks that would be helpful. Instead of constantly bugging your boss and asking for more projects. think creatively about what would help your team and offer your support to other people you work with. It is your job to insert your strengths and find spaces where you can be helpful. If you want to join a project, you need to showcase your capacity to contribute!


Follow-up with me for more information about this internship and location

Office Art

ASI Day 2

Pictures from the office

My Roomate (Julia) and I on our front stoop

Hiking Oxford and Belford in July