How Do We Monitor?
A Guide on Working with MMW to Monitor Your Local Watershed
Joining a Watershed Group
Yaak Valley Forest Council During 2022 MMW Training
Montana has watershed groups located throughout the state. If you are interested in monitoring in your region it's a smart idea to connect with these groups.
- Explore different watershed groups in the MWCC Watershed Directory
- Find groups in your region or the region of interest for monitoring
- See contact information or the website to determine if the group has a WQ monitoring team
- If so, contact the team leader to volunteer with the team
- If not, also contact the group, it is often easier to start a program with an established group
- Research your watershed and water quality issues
- Plan a meeting to discuss potential monitoring, MMW can join to facilitate
- Use MMW's website and our highlighted resources to work on starting a group
- Determine site and analyte selection based on the goals and objectives of your group (MMW can help) - Link to FRL Analytes page
- Apply for MMW and or MT DEQ volunteer water quality funding by filling out the Sample Analysis Plan and Application by March 1st of the upcoming year.
Check out a KPAX news clip describing the importance of water quality monitoring and how MMW can help
MMW Funded Groups 2022
9 Funded Groups in 2022
How to Sample
A majority of the samples collected by MMW funded groups are grab samples. Grab samples can be filtered or unfiltered depending on what is being analyzed. Below are two instructional videos on how to collect grab samples.
Unfiltered Grab Sample Demo
MMW Filtered Sample Demo
What Happens Next?
When groups apply for MMW Laboratory Analysis the samples will be sent to the Freshwater Research Lab at the Flathead Lake Biological Station . Here is how the process works.
Flathead Lake Biological Station
- Coolers are shipped to your group with bottles, filters and syringes, and paperwork for sampling
- Groups sample in the field and prep cooler for shipping
- Groups ship back the cooler at their local FedEx office
- The laboratory receives the cooler and chain of command paperwork from your group
- Depending on the holding time the lab either analyzes the samples right away or keeps them frozen for later analysis
- After analysis, the FRL sends the group an electronic data deliverable
Big Hole River
The Final Steps
After sampling commences groups then work on data entry and analysis.
- Groups receive electronic data deliverables from the FRL
- Sort and organize the EDDs from throughout the sampling season
- Edit the EDD so it fits the format for the MT DEQ's WQX database
- Do a quality control check and data validation
- Submit the data for upload into the WQX system
- Data will be available to view at the National Water Quality Database
Visit the MMW Website by clicking the caption below the logo.