UGA Campus Pollinator Project Committee


UGA's Campus Pollinator Project promotes pollinator well-being through habitat enhancement, education, outreach, research, & collaborative projects among students, faculty, staff and the community. This committee (a sub-committee of F&A's Campus Arboretum Committee) was organized in 2019 in our efforts to pursue Bee Campus U.S.A. certification. Faculty, staff and students interested in supporting this effort are invited to join the committee. The committee meets at least twice each year, once in the Fall semester and again in the Spring semester.

Committee Contact List

Pollinator Committee Contact List - Google Drive

Meeting Minutes


  • Beekeeping at  UGA map and StoryMap  webpage
  • Scott Griffith presented on their Beekeeping efforts at the UGA Golf Course
  • A  lawn to meadow /wildflower habitat conversion project @ Vet Med may be slated for Spring
  •  Draft Maintenance Plan  for UGA Pollinator Connect to Protect Garden at DW Brooks
  • Campus Pollinator Garden Layer, Maps and StoryMap created
  • Survey Results so far on Committee Goals and Structure

Committee Survey Results

In October of 2023 we circulated a survey to our Campus Pollinator Committee with 6 questions (see the bottom of this section) designed to identify what the main purposes, mission and vision of our Committee should embrace. We received 6 responses. Here is a summary of those responses.

Top Goals for the UGA Pollinator Program

  1. Connecting Resources and Research: Emphasizing the importance of understanding ongoing research and maintaining a strong network.
  2. Expanding Pollinator Gardens: Increasing the number of pollinator-friendly spaces on campus.
  3. Messaging on Pollinator Importance: Enhancing communication about the significance of pollinators.

Agenda Items for the Pollinator Committee

  1. Research Reporting: Sharing more research findings and how people can contribute.
  2. Creating Pollinator Spaces: Converting mowed lawns to pollinator habitats.
  3. Student Engagement: Motivating students to become ambassadors for pollinator causes.

Research Priorities

  1. Habitat Characteristics: Studying the importance of trees and other habitat features for bees.
  2. Bee Biodiversity: Surveying bee populations in specific areas like Lake Herrick and the botanical gardens.
  3. Disease and Behavior: Investigating diseases in hives and bee behavior/physiology.

Outputs and Data Sharing

  • Participants expressed interest in creating and sharing reports or data related to pollinator research.
  • Suggested outputs include literature, signage, and presentations to raise awareness.

News Stories and Events

  • Promoting pollinator-related news stories and events.
  • Engaging the UGA community and the public in pollinator conservation efforts.

Additional Interests

  • Public Outreach: Increasing community engagement and awareness.
  • Habitat Maintenance: Enlarging and maintaining pollinator habitats.
  • Research Projects: Hosting research projects in specific gardens and connecting with faculty/students.

Specific Topics of Interest

  • Timing of garden cleanup to benefit pollinators.
  • Comparing pollinator resources on campus with other urban areas.
  • Motivations for adopting pollinator conservation behavior

Survey Questions

The below were the original survey questions. We should resurvey the group every 3-5 years.

  1. What do you see as the top 3 goals for our UGA Pollinator Program?
  2. What are the top 3 items you'd like to see on the next pollinator committee agenda? What other topics are you interested in discussing with UGA pollinator enthusiasts?
  3. What questions/topics are you, your classes, your colleagues interested in exploring related to UGA campus pollinators? Or what topics do you see as a priority to explore?
  4. What research have you conducted related to pollinators on Campus? And/Or what research should be a priority for pollinators on campus over the next 1-3 years?
  5. Have you (or students) created outputs (reports or data) that you feel should be shared with others? Please describe it here. What outputs (reports or data) would be most beneficial to you for future use?
  6. We love to see pollinator-related news stories (see Georgia Center Planting article in Columns - May 3, 2023). What type of news stories or events would you like to see promoted over the next 1-3 years?

This  survey can be found at this link . Please ask Justin Ellis for access.

Pollinator Websites

 The following is a list of all associated websites that feature the work of the Pollinator Committee. Feel free to create or suggest others!

UGA Campus Pollinator Project - Main Page 

This is the home page for  UGA's Campus Pollinator Project  and Working Committee

Campus Pollinator Project

UGA Pollinator Gardens - StoryMap

 An interactive map of all  Pollinator Gardens  on the UGA Athens Campus with photos, descriptions and brief history of activities at each. You can get a mini glimpse of the site by scrolling below or for the full site click the bold link above.

UGA Pollinator Gardens

UGA Pollinator Census - April of each year

We hold our  UGA Campus Pollinator Census  each April around the 20-21st. You can get a mini glimpse of the site by scrolling below or for the full site click the bold link above.

UGA Campus Pollinator Census

Beekeeping at UGA

UGA has multiple  Beekeeping  projects, programs and research across UGA's Athens, GA campus properties. This StoryMap highlights their efforts! You can get a mini glimpse of the site by scrolling below or for the full site click the bold link above.

Beekeeping at UGA

Partner Resources

This section to be built out in the future.

Bee Campus USA

 The Bee Campus USA  certification (similar to Tree Campus USA provides a framework for university campus communities to work together to conserve native pollinators by increasing the abundance of native plants, providing nest sites, and reducing the use of pesticides. UGA became a BEE Campus USA certified organization in February of 2021 and is one of  178 Bee Campus USA Affiliates  (as of January 2024) across the United States (see map below).

Bee City USA Public Affiliate Map

We submit an annual report to the Xerces Society every February 29th of the year. We then take these online reports and turn them into more formal PDFs that we circulate to the broader UGA Community and submit to our  Campus Sustainability Digital Archive  as a means to record the impact of our collaborative work.

References / Credits

This Storymap was created by the   Office of Sustainability   as part of our Biodiversity and Landscape Program in support of the   UGA Pollinator Project  .

StoryMap Project Lead / Pollinator Program Chair

  Dr. Justin Ellis  , Operational Strategy and Impact Analysis Manager for the Office of Sustainability., 706-542-3093

Bee Campus and Pollinator Committee Founder

Tyra Byers, Director, Interdisciplinary Sustainability Certificate