Klamath Falls Transportation Safety Action Plan (TSAP)
Help make streets in Klamath Falls safer!
Project Background
Welcome to the second open house for the Klamath Falls TSAP!
This virtual open house presents transportation safety projects that have been recommended based on crash data and the input you provided this past December. These projects are aimed at reducing all crashes on Klamath Falls streets but are especially focused on bringing the 113 fatal and serious injury crashes reported in Klamath Falls (2017-2021) to zero. The projects are organized into two categories: systemic treatments for the urban area and capital improvements at priority sites. Please review them and take a moment to complete our survey to let us know what you think!
Systemic Treatments
These are lower-cost projects that can be applied across the Klamath Falls transportation network to reduce and prevent crashes. The recommended systemic treatments are focused on reducing crashes at intersections as well crashes with pedestrians and bicyclists.
Stop-Controlled / Uncontrolled Intersections account for:
- 62% of intersection crashes
- 61% of fatal/serious injury crashes at intersections
Recommended Treatment
Increase intersection warning of stop-controlled intersections (3-leg or 4-leg intersections), illustrated in the image below.
Stop-Controlled Intersection Warning Devices
- Potential crash reduction = 20-30% for all crash types and all crash severities; more treatments result in greater reduction
- Treatments can include: ‘Stop Ahead’ pavement markings, ‘Stop Ahead’ signs, larger signs, additional stop signs, and other intersection warning / regulatory signs
Pedestrians and Bicyclists
Intersections account for:
- 65% of pedestrian crashes / 61% of bicyclist crashes
- 69% of pedestrian crashes / 75% of bicyclist crashes resulting in fatal/serious injuries
Recommended Treatment
Implement crossing projects identified in the Klamath Falls Urban Trail Master Plan and in the Klamath Falls Safe Routes to School Master Plan. Many of the projects include the treatments below, which illustrate their potential crash reduction for pedestrian and bicyclist crashes of all severities.
Treatments for reducing pedestrian and bicyclist crashes at intersections
Urban Trail Access Treatments
Focus implementation on the high and medium priority crossing projects in the Urban Trails Plan. Some projects require further study to identify the final crossing treatments.
Urban Trails Plan
Safe Routes to School Treatments
Focus implementation on the high priority crossing projects.
- 29 High Priority Crossing Projects
- High-visibility marked crosswalks
- Actuated / passive beacons
- Warning signs
- "School Crossing" pavement markings
- Klamath Falls City Schools: Conger, Mills, Pelican, Roosevelt, and Ponderosa
- Klamath County Schools: Ferguson, Peterson, Shasta, Stearns, and Brixner
Klamath Falls City Schools and Klamath County Schools
Systemic Treatments Survey Questions:
Your feedback is an important part of the Klamath Falls TSAP so that the City can understand where to prioritize safety improvements. This survey should take 2 minutes to fill out.
Klamath Falls TSAP - VOH #2 - Systemic Treatments
Capital Projects for Priority Sites
These are higher-cost projects that are identified at 7 City intersections and along 3 City roadway corridors – highlighted in the map – to address locations in Klamath Falls with some of the most frequent and severe crashes. Streets shown in red have the most frequent and severe crashes. Streets shown in green have the least frequent and severe crashes.
Priority Intersections and Segments for Capital Projects in Klamath Falls
Recommended Treatments
The treatments recommended at the following priority sites are based on a detailed review of the crash history at each location. Click on each image below to expand it and read about the recommendations.
Intersection Treatments
Segment Treatments
Priority Sites Survey Questions:
Your feedback is an important part of the Klamath Falls TSAP so that the City can understand where to prioritize safety improvements. This survey should take 4 minutes to fill out.
Klamath Falls TSAP - VOH #2 - Priority Sites