Get to Know Your Source of Drinking Water

Do you have a favorite water memory?

Photo courtesy of US Army Corps of Engineers, Sutton Lake

Maybe it's fishing with your grandfather, kayaking or boating with your friends, skipping rocks with your children, or splashing in the stream with your pet.

Our waterways are where many of us head for recreation, relaxation and exploration. But did you know that these waterways also serve as sources for our drinking water?

What is a Source?

A drinking water source is a body of water that is used to produce drinking water such as a river, lake or reservoir.

Source waters not only provide clean drinking water they also have economic and environmental value such as:

  • Support recreation and tourism, in-turn creating jobs and healthy communities
  • Lessen flood damage
  • Transport goods and people
  • Sustain industry, manufacturing, and agriculture (i.e. hydroelectric power, process water, irrigation)
  • Provide habitat for fish, birds, and other wildlife

What is a Watershed? 

We all live in a watershed. Watersheds are areas of land where runoff from rain and snow drains into a lake, stream, river or wetland. Water travels over the land’s surfaces that include farmland, lawns and city streets, on its course to a waterway. When it rains, water runs over the surface picking up any pollutants that are on the way. Small amounts of motor oil, pet waste, pesticides or litter are multiplied along the journey to the nearest waterway.

Watershed conditions can directly affect the quantity and quality of source water supplies. The water is impacted by what happens in the watershed.

These watersheds are full of life. They provide habitat for fish, birds and wildlife and are a source of drinking water for homes and businesses. No matter where you live, work or play, you are always in a watershed.

USGS Water Monitoring

To help understand the conditions of rivers and streams within watersheds, United States Geological Survey (USGS) manages a streamgaging network. There are USGS streamgages in many West Virginia rivers and streams. They provide data about the river that can assist in:

Locate Your Water Source

Source Water Protection

Source water protection is a proactive approach to safeguard, maintain, or improve the quality and/or quantity of drinking water sources and their contributing areas.

At West Virginia American Water, source water protection is one component of our overall approach to provide clean, reliable water to our customers. We take a collaborative approach to protect sources of drinking water and we're committed to these efforts in the communities we serve.

Would you like to request more information or provide feedback on our source water protection planning? We'd love to hear from you using the interactive form below.

Source Water Protection Feedback Form

Water Treatment Process

Follow our friend Splash in the video below to learn more about how West Virginia American Water gets drinking water from your source to your tap!

The Water Treatment Process

Trust the Tap

We take great pride in what we do and hold ourselves to high standards in delivering safe, reliable drinking water service to our customers. Follow the link below to locate your water quality information.

Water quality reports are searchable by zip code and are updated annually with the latest information on your drinking water. 

A Call To Action

Here are a few ways you can help preserve the source of your drinking water.

Report spills, illegal dumping, or suspicious activity by contacting the WV Department of Environmental Protection Spill Line: 1-800-642-3074



West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP), 2013, West Virginia Watersheds: A Closer Look, Published November 2013, 313 pp.

Frantz, Mack. West Virginia Division of Natural Resources. Common River Species. March 2020.

Stover, Jerry D. "Elk River." e-WV: The West Virginia Encyclopedia. 21 February 2012. Web. .

Loughman, Z.L. and S.A. Welsh (2013)- Conservation assessment and atlas of the crayfishes of West Virginia. Final Report. Prepared for WVDNR.

Pauley, T.K. 2004. Salamanders of West Virginia. WVDNR, Wildlife Resources Section, Elkins, WV.

NatureServe. 2020. NatureServe Explorer [web application]. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available . (Prepared by WVDNR)

Jacobs, Steve. Penn State Extension. Pennsylvania State University. 8th March 2017.

All About Birds. , © Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Evans. West Virginia Division of Natural Resources. Clown of Waterways Returned. Wonderful West Virginia Magazine. Spring 2005

Foltz, David Allen II, "The Crayfishes of West Virginia’s Southwestern Coalfields Region with an Emphasis on the Life History of Cambarus theepiensis" (2013). Theses, Dissertations and Capstones. Paper 731.

Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO). Fishes of the Ohio River: a Testimony to Clean Water. March 1983.

Eastern red-backed salamander, Smithsonian’s National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute.

Adams, S., Schuster, G.A. & Taylor, C.A. 2010. Orconectes obscurusThe IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2010: e.T153781A4544191. Downloaded on 04 August 2021.

Bald Eagles, New River Gorge National Park and Preserve West Virginia. National Park Service.

Photo courtesy of US Army Corps of Engineers, Sutton Lake