The uneven spatial landscape of broadband coverage in the UK

Professor Cecilia Wong and Dr Helen Zheng

The interplay between physical location and the dynamics of infrastructure development, such as transport accessibility and communication networks has resulted in differential locational advantages and outcomes. High quality, reliable and good coverage of telecommunication infrastructure has resulted in differential locational advantages and socio-economic outcomes.



  • Ultrafast broadband: download speeds greater than 300 Mbps defined by Ofcom
  • Full fibre: is one of the broadband technologies. In a full-fibre connection, the connection between the exchange and the premises is directly provided over fibre. It can support speeds over 1 Gbps (1000 Mbps).
  • Gigabit: a gigabit capable connection is defined as the one that can support speeds of 1 gigabit per second (Gbps) 


About the authors

  Professor Cecilia Wong   is a Professor in Spatial Planning and Director of the Spatial Policy & Analysis Lab at the University of Manchester.

  Dr Helen Zheng   is a Lecturer in Planning and Environmental Management at the University of Manchester.

Both Cecilia and Helen are researching spatial inequalities in the UK.

This blog is related to our project 'The UK2070 Action Plan Implementation: engaging the combined authorities to go Local' funded by the Economic and Social Research Council Impact Acceleration Account, with the UK2070 Commission as the collaborative partner.


[1] Koutroumpis, P. (2018) The Economic Impact of Broadband: evidence from OECD countries.



[4] Analysis by Rory Cellan-Jones, 26 November 2020,