Irish Bioeconomy Research

Current projects working on advancing the Irish Bioeconomy

The bioeconomy, both in Ireland and international, is a growing area of the economy with an ever growing body of research. This page provides an overview of research projects both finished and currently being carried out in Ireland. Projects include both purely Irish research as well as international research collaborating with Irish partners. The list is aimed at all stakeholders in the field of the Irish bioeconomy, be it researcher, government or industry representatives, and the general public who have an interest in the subject of the Irish bioeconomy.

While the list is not currently comprehensive, we aim to regularly update the list with upcoming projects.


Jesko Zimmermann; Departmen of Agrifood Business and Spatial Analysis, Teagasc Ashtown Research Centre, Dublin 15

Kevin Ryan; Irish Bioeconomy Foundation; National Bioeconomy Campus (former Lisheen Mine); Lisheen, Moyne, Co. Tipperary

Evan Carey; Administrative Officer Land Use, Marine and Sectoral Policy – Climate; Circular and Bioeconomy for Climate; Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications

Matthew Halpin; Asst. Agricultural Inspector, Research Division; Bioeconomy, Agriculture Knowledge & Innovation Systems; Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine


Project information collated and contributed by DECC, the IBF, Teagasc and MTU

Basemap; OSi Map Genie (WM) Public basemap; Tailte Éireann