A review and summary of Rural Health Scholar research that included challenges related to stigma.
Income-related Stigma
Scholar Observations
- Stigma prevents people from revealing that they struggle with accessing enough or preparing enough healthy food, 2012 RHS Presentation
- Mixed-income housing could reduce stigma, 2015 RHS Presentation
Scholar Recommendations
- Recommended creating a campaign to reduce stigma and promote the acceptance of receiving food aid in any form, 2020 RHS Presentation
Summary of the Community's response so far No updates to share at this time (6.17.2022)
Social Acceptance of Using Services
Scholar Observations
- Community interviews revealed shame, secrecy and social stigma were major barriers to individual change, 2016 RHS Presentation
- Shame in asking for support, 2016 RHS Presentation
- Not everyone feels comfortable seeking services because of the small island community, 2016 RHS Presentation
- Also the smaller nature of the Island means the effects of SUD are felt more acutely
- Need for a campaign to fight stigma of at-risk populations with regard to accessing public assistance and community resources for food access – Brazilian population, elderly population, and chronically ill population, 2020 RHS Presentation
Scholar Recommendations
- N/A
Summary of the Commuity's response so far
No updates to share at this time (6.17.2022)
Stigma among Elders
Scholar Observations
- There is a stigma for requesting or using services among the elder population, 2011 RHS Presentation
"Yankee stuborness." - a comment from a community member about why elder abuse often goes unresolved, 2014 RHS Presentation
- Stigma makes elders uncomfortable about coming forward to report abuse, 2014 RHS Presentation
- Planning for end of life care when a person is mentally healthy is taboo and a difficult discussion to have, especially with adult children, 2018 RHS Presentation
Scholar Recommendations
- Recommended increasing outreach at the senior dining center (to reduce stigma), 2012 RHS Presentation
- Recommended normalizing the topic of advanced life care through normalization of the topic within community forums, 2018 RHS Presentation
Summary of the Community's response so far No updates to share at this time (6.17.2022)
Youth and Peer Pressure
Scholar Observations
- There is peer pressure to fit in during high school, 2009 RHS Presentation
- Children living with disabilities are more likely to be bullied or target of verbal abuse for not being able to participate in physical activities and sports like the rest of their peers, 2019 RHS Presentation
- MVRHS CTE track aims to reduce stigma among students pursuing a trades career, 2021 RHS Presentation
- Cultural differences among the immigrant populations that mature (middle school/HS) children are expected to stay home and take care of younger siblings instead of partaking in extra curricular activities like sports, internships, or career prep opportunities, 2021 RHS Presentation
- Many youth were intimidated or disinterested in expressing a need for support to their guidance counselor, 2021 RHS Presentation
Scholar Recommendations
- Recommended integration of sexual education resources that are already on the Island into the school curriculum to help destigmatize the topic, 2017 RHS Presentation
- Recommended create parity among pursuing training in the trades with following a college path, 2021 RHS Presentation
Summary of the Community's response so far
No updates to share at this time (6.17.2022)