Cache La Poudre River Trail StoryMap
Companion Piece to A Tale of Two Counties
Trail in use - Courtesy of the City of Fort Collins
In October of 2024, crews completed the construction of an underpass connecting two separate trail sections on each side of Interstate-25 near the Arapahoe Bend Natural Area in Fort Collins, Colorado. The construction, in part paid for by a $2 million grant provided by the Great Outdoors Colorado, is the latest in a long string of disparate but ultimately connected, construction projects, each adding onto a project ongoing for the past several decades, the Poudre River Trail (PRT). When complete, the PRT will serve as a continuous trail that extends across both Weld and Larimer County, snaking through the towns of Laporte, Fort Collins, Windsor, and Greeley. Yet, the PRT originally began as an idea in 1971; today's version is the culmination of decades of work and sometimes differing philosophies and visions of its construction.
Cache La Poudre River NHA Logo
This Story Map serves as a companion piece to A Tale of Two Counties, a monograph produced by CSU History M.A. student George Moncaster, detailing the construction of the Poudre River Trail (PRT) as a transregional project. While Tale of Two Counties offers both a broader and deeper analysis of the history of the PRT’s construction—how Larimer and Weld counties conducted the construction of their respective trail segments and the formation of the organizations that handle much of the trail's upkeep—this project summarizes the broad strokes of the history detailed within, and the historiographical interpretations it offers of the construction of the Poudre River Trail.
History of the River
Cache la Poudre
Originating within the Rocky Mountains, the Cache La Poudre, or more colloquially, the Poudre, is Northern Colorado’s most significant river, extending 126 miles and snaking across both Weld and Larimer counties.
It's also a river that has been intimately tied with the region's development, and its history and use reflect the broader developments in both Weld & Larimer.
A Cache of Powder
Depending on the version of the story being told, the Cache la Poudre River got its name in either 1826, 1828, or 1836. Yet, in each telling, the broad strokes remain the same; that, in an effort to spare their supplies, trappers (or miners) dug a pit along the shore of the Poudre as a means to safely store their provisions, the most substantial of which being gunpowder—the Cache la Poudre (The cache of powder).
First Stewards
As is true with many parts of the American West, the Poudre and the surrounding area had been the home to Native Americans long before the arrival of settlers. To tribes such as the Arapahoe, Cheyenne, and the Ute the Poudre and its banks served as a gathering spot, a vital resource for food and water, and a navigation method.
Yet, as is true with many parts of the American West, these Native American groups would be driven out or forcibly relocated from northern Colorado as the 19th century wore on. The 1867 Medicine Lodge Treaty saw the Southern Cheyenne and Arapahoe move on to reservations in Oklahoma. Conversely, the 1881 implementation of the Ute Removal Act, displaced the most of Colorado Ute bands.
Early Agriculture
Still, as time progressed and an increasing number of settlers were drawn to Colorado in the 19th century, either by mining or farming, many found themselves on the bank of the Cache la Poudre to take advantage of the river's abundant and steady flow of water. One of these early settlers was George Strauss, who built a cabin in 1864, in what is today considered the Arapahoe Bend Natural Area, just off of I-25 and near Harmony Road in Fort Collins. There, Strauss grew vegetables and raised cattle, selling his produce in both the town of Laporte and the growing community around Fort Collins.
Location of Strauss Cabin
Strauss wasn't the only one; soon many others found themselves settling in the area. Indeed, from 1870-1900, the population of both Weld and Larimer Counties more than doubled each decade. In 1870-1880 alone, Larimer County went from 838 people to 4,892, while in Weld the population went from 1,636 to 5,646.
Data from the Colorado Census visualized.
Working the Water
Naturally, with the growth in population came an expansion of agriculture, and the necessity to draw more water from the Poudre. As a result, various canals and ditches were constructed to tap into the flow of the Poudre River. In Greeley (then known as the Union Colony), the Greeley Ditch #2 was constructed in 1871. Thirty-five miles long and irrigating some 2,000 acres, Ditch #2 was at first a seeming failure when it didn't deliver adequate water during crop season later into 1871. Remedying this, in 1872 the inhabitants of Union Colony paid to have the ditch enlarged and a diversion dam erected.
Head of Ditch #2
Seeing the success of the infrastructure in Greeley, in the mid-1870s Fort Collins began a more concerted effort to build its own ditches and canals. Drawing from the Poudre however, quickly sparked conflict with their downstream neighbors, as farmers in Greeley began to notice a sharp decrease in the water they were receiving.
In the Wild West of early water usage, with no clear legislation on the matter, it soon became an issue, and in 1874 a drought brought the situation to a head. To avoid an all-out skirmish between neighbors, on July 15, 1874, irrigators & farmers met at a schoolhouse in Eaton. Seeking to both come to a compromise and prevent outside intervention, the group agreed to a "system of prior appropriation" that favored those who had first used the river. Predating the Colorado Constitution by two years, the agreement set the foundation for Western Water Law.
To the 20th-Century and Beyond
For the sake of brevity, this is not an exhaustive history of the Cache la Poudre River. Rather, this section seeks to set the scene for the later development of this StoryMap's namesake the Poudre River Trail.
Beyond 19th century, the population of northern Colorado would continually grow. In the first decade of the 20th century, sugar beet factories sprang up in Loveland, Fort Collins, Windsor and Greeley, drawing people and development to the towns and region.
The landscape of the region also changed, and while agriculture still plays a prominent role in communities, it has taken a backseat in recent decades. This change could perhaps be best exemplified in the 1957 name change from Colorado A&M to Colorado State University. In the 1970s, tourism and abundant outdoor recreation became major factors in Colorado's explosive population growth.
Colorado Agricultural College (1895)
What then of the Poudre River? Well, just as the explosion of population in the 1870s led to a change in the use of the river, the rapid growth of population in the 1970s lent itself to new ideas of use for the river, this time for recreation.
Video showing the change of flow of the Poudre River
Early Planning Efforts
A Solid Liquid Idea
As with nearly everything, the Poudre River Trail (PRT) got its start originally as an idea though who could claim to have the idea first, is a bit hazy. In 1975, CSU student, Jacquelyn C. Koirtyohann, as a part of her M.A. thesis, produced the Cache La Poudre Trail Interpretative Plan, the seeming the first of many. In it, Koirtyohann outlined a plan for the possible development of a trail along the banks of the Poudre River in Fort Collins. Later, in 1983 at the behest of Larry Pearsons of the Larimer-Weld Council of Governments (LWCoG), students at CU-Denver—citing Koirtyohan—would develop a sketch of an integrated trail system across Fort Collins and Greeley. A part of this 1983 study was a profile on possible routes such a trail would take while noting the various challenges that may arise over the course of construction, particularly in regard to zoning and property lines. Yet, two additional considerations that were especially pertinent were the possible designation of the upper Cache la Poudre as "wild and scenic" and the formation of a singular entity to manage the construction of would be a transregional trail.
A Heritage Area in the Making
Map showing boundaries of the Cache NHA.
Logo for the Wild and Scenic Rivers System.
Riding the wave of increased environmental consciousness in the second half of the 20th century, in 1968, Congress passed the Wild and Scenic River Act, that enabled "certain select rivers of the Nation" to be federally protected for their cultural and historical value. The Poudre received the Wild and Scenic designation in a 1986 amendment, though the federal reco that came with only extended to the Poudre River as it flowed through Roosevelt National Forest. In essence, only the upper Poudre was recognized. In 1995, another attempt arose to grant the lower/remaining Poudre federal recognition, when Senator Frank Murkowski submitted to the Senate the Cache La Poudre River National Water Heritage Area Act. Not one for short names, the act called for the creation of a commission to administer the newly designated heritage area. This legislation stalled due to technical errors, however, in 2002 the Poudre Heritage Alliance (PHA) was created in part to amplify efforts to push the creation of a National Heritage area along the Poudre through Congress. The Cache la Poudre River National Heritage Area was officially designated in 2009.
The current stewards of the Cache NHA, the PHA to inform the public about the history and the significance of the Poudre while also serving as a neutral entity in the various issues that may arise among stakeholders.
Boarding the Corridor
Running parallel to the efforts to have the Poudre receive federal recognition, was the formation of an entity to oversee the construction of the transregional project that would be the Poudre River Trail. Established in 1994 and based in Weld County, the Poudre River Trail Board (PRTB) represented a singular entity that managed the construction and maintenance of the PRT. In June that same year, ground was broken in Windsor and Greeley marking the beginning of the PRT in those two towns. A year later in 1995, the PRTB produced its own master plan laying out its vision of a trail extending across Weld county; though, not quite a transregional trail, at least not yet.
Poudre River Trail Corridor Logo
In 1997, PRTB was officially formalized into a non-profit corporation in the form of the Poudre River Trail Corridor Inc. (PRTC), marking the start of its wider mission goals, and an increasing turn to outside funding in order to complete the PRT. While the PRTC was primarily occupied with developing signage and establishing working goals in the late 90's, by the early 2000's the PRTC, with cash in hand from the Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO), and private & public fundraising, was ready to begin in earnest the construction of a transregional trail.
Trail Development
Larimer County Development
Prior not only to the formation PRTC but also the lower Poudre's designation as a National Heritage Area, pieces of what would eventually become part of the PRT were being constructed in Larimer County. What could perhaps be considered the first section and the start of the PRT came with the construction of a section of trail in Laporte in 1986, to the chagrin of locals. Another foundational moment came a decade prior in 1973 where, under the direction of H.R. Philips—the city's recreation director and with funding from the Department of the Interior— the City of Fort Collins purchased land that parks such as Troutman, City Park, and Lee Martinez Park were later built upon.
1971 Map of Fort Collins
Still, the transregional trail remained elusive. Similar to the construction seen in Weld county in the 1990s, initial construction, of what would become the PRT, was intend to connect two neighboring towns together; Laporte and Fort Collins, rather than as a part of a broader transregional project. Moreover, trail construction in Larimer County, differed in practice and in philosophy from Weld County. What could be considered PRT segments in Larimer county often went through sites already constructed or owned by the city of Fort Collins, such as park and natural areas. Funding also differed, and PRT construction in Larimer frequently drew on funding from the City of Fort Collins or other governmental bodies.
This isn't to say there wasn't an effort by Larimer official to realize the dream of the PRT, as masterplans frequently alluded to connections beyond the county boundaries. City of Fort Collins officials signed inter-governmental agreements with Weld officials over the management of the trail, and recognized the authority of the PRTB in matters of signage and trail maintenance. By 2008, the PRT extended across nearly the length of Larimer county, and by 2013 there were only a few gaps remaining, with the I-25 corridor remaining both a physical and mental border separating Larimer and Weld portions of the PRT.
Weld County Development
Contrasting the centralized construction of the PRT in Larimer County, the development of the PRT in Weld was one that lacked government involvement comparable to the role of the City of Fort Collins. Rather, the construction of the PRT was driven by the combined efforts of the PRTC, PHA, and local community members, each recognizing the benefit of a recreational trail to the area. They did this through grassroots methods, appeals for private funding, and various land donations and easements. Naturally, construction of the trail in Weld was more complex in terms of legal and logistically maneuvering, and often saw the trail completed in a piecemeal fashion.
Map of the PRT through Weld County - Courtesy of the Poudre River Trail Corridor.
Ostensibly, the first (and second) official segment of the PRT came in 1994, with a twin groundbreaking ceremony that took place in Greeley and Windsor. These first two sections came in the form of Island Grove and the Great Western Farm. From that point forward the effort of the PRTC and involved community members was to have the two opposing sections meet. In short order, in 1994, the Spanish Colony section was completed while later in 1998, the Kodak section was finalized. Yet, from there the specifics get fuzzy. By 2006, after beginning construction in 2002, both Cottonwood Bend and Sheep Draw Junction were completed. Two years later in 2008, east and west sections of the Poudre River Trail in Weld County were connected.
Advert for PRTC fundraiser.
Throughout the construction process the PRTC frequently turned to community and outside funding as a means to finance the development of the trail. Events such as softball tournaments, brick buying, and triathlons served as ways in which the communities of Greeley and Windsor were able to contribute to the trail. Time, was another massive contribution made, especially towards the maintenance of the PRT. Corporate sponsorships and land donations from wealthy individuals similarly played a role in the trail's development. The Kodak segment as one might suspect, is built on land donated by the Kodak corporation in Windsor.
Outside of these sources, the PRTC often applied for grants through GOCO, who have played an especially important role in financing the construction of segments intended to fill the remaining gaps in the PRT.
1967 Topographical Map overlayed with the Full PRT
Earliest account of the Cache la Poudre River receiving its name, after fur trappers stored gunpowder on its shore.
Larimer & Weld Counties established.
Irrigators and farmers from Weld and Larimer Counties agree to a first-in-time, first-in-right approach to prioritizing water access at schoolhouse meeting in Eaton.
Colorado becomes the 38th state; dubbed the Centennial State.
Jacquelyn C. Koirtyohann produces her Cache La Poudre Trail Interpretative Plan, detailing the construction of a trail along the banks of the Poudre.
Ground broken for what becomes future trail segments in Laporte.
Students at CU-Denver produce a study drawing on Korityohann's work, outlining the construction of a transregional trail and calling for the creation of an entity to oversee it.
The upper-Poudre River receives its Wild and Scenic designation.
Poudre River Trail Board established.
June, 1994
Trail construction begins in Weld.
Draft of bill designating the Poudre as a National Heritage Area.
The formation of the Poudre River Trail Corridor Inc.
Poudre Heritage Alliance established.
East & West sections connected in Weld County.
Formal recognition of the Cache la Poudre River National Heritage Area.
Completion of Arapahoe Bend Natural Area segment.
2025 & Beyond
At the time of this project, concrete is being poured for the final trail segment in Fort Collins at the Environmental Learning Center, and construction to connect the two counties is set to begin in 2025.
Note on Map: The data used for the creation of the following maps, was drawn from Colorado's CoTrex and spatial data provided by the North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization. Section's are divided by where they fall within county jurisdiction.
Click on segments for pop-up information.
Full Poudre River Trail from Larimer to Weld County
The Poudre River Trail Segments in Larimer County
West Poudre River Trail Segment
Contrasting the piecemeal nature of Weld's representation of its trail segments, Larimer doesn't outwardly distinguish by segment. Rather, as it is presented in CoTrex, the PRT in Larimer is primarily split into East and West, with College Ave, serving as the dividing line. Admittedly, it is more difficult to date the development of older sections of the trail, requiring looking at the dates of park construction in order to approximate.
The Poudre River Trail in Larimer County got its start in what is today considered the West Segment in Laporte, with the 1978 construction of a trail segment. Lee Martinez Park, one of the popular entry points for the PRT, was built three years prior in 1975.
Lee Martinez Farm
East Poudre River Trail Segment
The longer of the two segments, the East Poudre River is where the most recent trail development has occurred. Like its western counterpart, construction of what would become the PRT began around 1971, as the City developed various natural areas and parks in a flurry of creating greenspaces.
Kingfisher Natural Area Sign
In 1998, using a grant from the Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO), the City of Fort Collins purchased the land for what eventually became the Kingfisher Natural Area, which the PRT currently runs through.
Environmental Learning Center
The Colorado State Environmental Learning Center (ELC) is one of the two remaining trail sections as of the finalization of this project.
Construction began on both sides of the ELC in mid-October, 2024, after negotiations for an easement for the PRT—one of the few in Larimer—was reached. Like with many of the recent segments, it was built using funds from GOCO.
With the City of Fort Collins taking the reins in its construction, it is expected to be completed in early 2025.
View from CSU Environmental Learning Center
Arapahoe Bend Trail Segment
Conversely, the most recently completed segment of the Poudre River Trail—also completed mid-October—was perhaps the most technically challenging if not already the most antipacted.
Construction of the Arapahoe Bend trail segment, named after the Natural Area it passes through, involved creating an underpass under I-25, to allow pedestrians to avoid crossing the interstate in order to continue on the trail.
Photo of September Construction - Courtesy of the Coloradoan.
Interestingly; construction of this trail segment, while initially planned in 2013, was continually held up due to nesting Bald Eagles.
River Bluffs Trail Segment
A more recent extension, and falling in the boundaries of Larimer County, the River Bluffs segment is a one-mile addition to the PRT and was completed in 2020.
As the name implies, this area has historically been a floodplain for when the water of the Poudre rises. Its both a flat area used for picnics and serves as the current western terminus of the PRT.
River Bluffs Storypost
Bison Arroyo Trail Segment
Marking the end of the PRT section in Larimer, the Bison Arroyo is another flat area, though features arroyos and artificial lakes. This section was added/expanded in 2020.
This section of the trail is named for the presence of the Kaplan-Hoover Bison Bone Bed Archeological Site, which was partially excavated by Colorado State University's Anthropology Department in 1998. U
The site, used by Native Americans in the Archaic Period some 2,000-4,000 years ago, is the largest in North America. Called a kill-site, Bison were herded into the area, either driven over a cliff or slaughtered in the arroyo.
Bone Bed Story Post
The Poudre River Trail Segments in Weld County
Oxbow Trail Segment
This section marks the start of the PRT in Weld's westward push towards I-25. Though its date of construction isn't exactly known, it was likely built in the mid-2000s along with the PRTC's flurry of development.
A historical aspect of this segment is that it is named for the Overland Trail which forked in the area and was used by settlers in the 1860s as a means to avoid conflict with Native Americans. The town of Windsor, which this trail segment runs through, wouldn't be founded until 1883.
Overland Trail Storypost
Great Western Farm Trail Segment
One of the two first sections of the PRT built in 1994. The site is named after the Great Western Farm, which grew sugar beets in the area and used a rail line as a means to move its produce. Fortunately, the land for the PRT was donated to the PRTC, in part due to a federal program benefitting repurposing old railway lines.
The beet factory in the area had been purchased in 1985, though was originally constructed in 1902, taking advantage of the Poudre River's abundant water. Unfortunately, the factory was demolished in 2008.
View of the Great Western Trail
Kodak Trail Segment
The largest trail section in Weld, the Kodak Trail Segment was another land donation, but this time from a company known for its cameras, Kodak.
The 1998 donation came as a result of the efforts of Fred Otis to appeal to the company, promising increased foot traffic, community good will, and legal protection. Kodak, for their part, had concerns over the potential for community harm from chemical byproducts from their factory in the near the area the PRT would run through.
Robert R. Sheridan, director and engineer at the Kodak factory.
Prisoner of War Trail Segment
Coming from the largest, the Prisoner of War Segment is relatively small. It's also a segment who's construction wasn't overly detailed. Just a mile long, it was likely built in the period of 2002-2006, when the PRTC had an abundance of funding.
Naturally, its name has meaning, referring to the fact that POW Camp 202 was located nearby during WWII. This camp held German POWs, who were frequently sent to work on nearby farms.
Camp 202 Plaque
Sharkstooth Trail Segment
There are regrettably few specifics on this section. However, this does not preclude it from having an interesting history, as the area was once home to a ski slope, though it has since been closed.
The Poudre Learning Center
It's also the location of the Poudre Learning Center, a facility devoted to interdisciplinary education and a part of the Greeley Evans School District.
Signature Bluffs Trail Segment
Completed by 2008, the Signature Bluffs marks the midway point between the east and west portions of the PRT in Weld. It was also a popular spot in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic, likely due to its proximity to suburban neighborhoods.
Ditch #3
It also has close proximity to Greeley #3 Ditch, built 1870. Like its siblings it was intended to provide water to the nascent Union Colony.
The name for this segment relates to historic signatures carved into the bluffs faces.
Sheep Draw JCT Trail Segment
Built alongside other segments in the period of 2002 to 2006, this segement, like River Bluffs is especially prone to flooding. Not much is known about the history other than it used to be farmland, given the old agricultural equipment found there.
Old Farm Equipment
Cottonwood Bend Trail Segment
Another 2002-2006 section, it follows Ditch #3 south before splitting off. Given old maps of the area its possible that the area was once a main throughfare between Fort Collins and Greeley.
Today, the section is known for its proxmity to a popular dog park in Greeley.
Rover Run Dog Park
Sandpiper Ponds Trail Segment
This section marks the spot for the golden spike connecting the East and West portions of Weld PRT, and the completion of the trail connecting Greeley and Windsor. Outside of that, it snakes through gravel pits and artificial lakes from when the area was used an aggregate mine.
Sandpiper Story Post
Spanish Colony Trail Segment
One of the earliest segments in Greeley; the Spanish Colony Trail Segment was completed in 1994 soon after the groundbreaking ceremony at Island Grove.
The name for the segment is derived from the Spanish Colony, a community of forty homes constructed by Great Western Sugar as a way to house seasonal Hispanic workers. Though the company paid for the homes upfront, the Hispanic workers would do most of the construction themselves, with the homes being mostly made of adobe and lacking plumbing and electricity.
Spanish Colony Farmers
Despite being a crucial source of labor to the community, Hispanic workers were often discriminated against and there was also the risk of racial violence, as in 1919 when two Mexican men were lynched in Pueblo.
Island Grove Trail Segment
Fittingly the last segment, Island Grove was first section built of the Poudre River Trail built in Greeley, in 1994, an event that marked the actualization of decades of ideas and the PRTC as a managing organization.
The area the Island Grove goes through, was once a campground of Arapahoe and Ute tribes. Yet, following their expulsion, the area was used to establish Union Colony, a utopian experiment promoted by the city’s namesake Horace Greeley.
Island Grove Regional Park
Flooding Challenge
Trail Segments along the Poudre River and FEMA Floodplains
Despite the Poudre's beauty, its compatibility as a greenway, and its immense environmental and agricultural value, it is still a river; one that has historically been prone to flooding.
In 1864, three years after Weld and Larimer Counties were established, a flood destroyed much of the nascent Camp Collins (the percussor to Fort Collins). Overflowing, the Cache la Poudre, wiped out tents and ammunition of the soldiers encamped along its banks, though no lives were lost.
Another disastrous flood occurred in 1904, but this time would have a great financial and human cost. Recalling George Strauss, of Strauss Cabin fame, he was killed as a consequence of the flood, one of the two casualties.
In more recent memory, the 1997 Spring Creek Flood, was an event that still lives in the conscious and memories of many who were in Fort Collins at the time. In addition to commemorative plaques in places like CSU and the Spring Creek Trail, numerous photographs and oral stories are housed at the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery (FCMoD), some of which can be found here .
There were numerous other minor floods throughout the centuries that, while less notable, contributed to the continual consideration of the risk of flooding, both by government officials, and groups involved in the construction of the Poudre River Trail. In addition to the PHA producing several articles on historical floods, the PRTC maintains a section of its website devoted to monitoring trail conditions, particularly any closures due to flooding.
Likewise, even minor floods can erode the trail and its concrete pavement, necessitating continual maintenance by the PRTC and city governments. Just recently in July 2024, the City of Greeley had to repair a segment of trail that had been continually eroded due to its close proximity to the Poudre River. Indeed, a construction project to both restore the segment and shore up its resistance to flooding, cost the city an estimated $650,000.
Looking Forward
Proposed Trail Segment
Proposed Trail Segment between Larimer and Weld Counties
As of this project, two major gaps remain, the first being the Environmental Learning Center, and the other, the gap between River Bluffs and the Arapahoe Bend Natural Area. There are other projects as well such as a section connecting to the Great Western Crossing in Fort Collins. Yet, each of these projects are intended ultimately to be completed or started, in 2025, with Fort Collins recently receiving a GOCO grant to continue.
Planned Trail Segments in Fort Collins
This is not to say that this is the end of trail ambitions in Northern Colorado, far from it. Recently, there has been movement towards the development of a Front Range Trail, which like the PRT, follows a river, namely the Platte. Both Greeley and Fort Collins have recently begun looking at ways to incorporate the development of the trail with both new construction and as links to the already developed Poudre River Trail. An article about the FRT's development in Larimer county can be found here, and below is an ARCGiS map of the trail from Colorado Parks and Wildlife.
Colorado Front Range Trail
History of Trail Construction in Fort Collins
About - Poudre River Trail Corridor
Cache la Poudre River National Heritage Area | Home
The project team extends its deepest gratitude to the many individuals and organizations whose support made this project possible. Foremost, we thank Senior Trails Planner Dave “DK” Kemp of the City of Fort Collins Park Planning and Development and Alternative Transportation Director Aaron Fodge of Colorado State University (CSU) Parking and Transportation Services. As the visionaries behind this project, Kemp and Fodge collaborated with CSU History and Geospatial Centroid faculty to conceive and bring the initiative to fruition. Their tireless efforts in securing funding, providing project management assistance, and reviewing content were instrumental in the project's success.
Critical financial support for this work was provided through a Community Grant from the Poudre Heritage Alliance, the managing entity of the Cache la Poudre National Heritage Area. Additional funding came generously from the City of Fort Collins, City of Greeley, Town of Timnath, Larimer County, and Colorado State University research funds.
Barry Wilson offered invaluable assistance by granting access to the extensive archival collection housed at the office of Poudre River Trail Corridor Inc. This rare opportunity to consult previously unanalyzed documents significantly enriched the historical depth of the project. Similarly, Wade Willis of the Town of Windsor provided critical support and contributed documentation that substantiated key conclusions of this research.
Insights from Northern Colorado residents were essential to understanding the region's culture and history. The project team extends special thanks to Fred Otis, Karen Scopel, and Craig Foreman, who generously participated in oral history interviews. Informal conversations with community members across both Larimer and Weld Counties also provided invaluable perspectives. Martin Lind shared his time and expertise regarding local developments, while municipal employees from Fort Collins, Windsor, Timnath, Greeley, and the North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization offered critical information and guidance.
The creators of this project, Devon and Rio, express their appreciation for the author of the monograph this StoryMap is a companion piece to, George Moncaster, for his hundreds of hours of research and study. Similarly, they would also like to thank Sophia Linn of the Geospatial Centroid and Dr. Payne of CSU's History Department, for their guidance and assistance throughout the project. Devon also thanks Avery Cole for her expertise and assistance throughout the project and Sam Hanek for her work securing permissions for the images used in both projects.