GIS Day is HERE!

Wed. Nov. 20, 2024

Schedule of Events

Below is a schedule of events for GIS Day 2024. Please RSVP/register to attend.

What is the Esri site license? Who has access to Esri technologies? How do you access this software suite? We will answer these and more in this conversation-style session.

Let's help the city of St. Catharines determine the distribution of child care centres and access to infant care spaces for low-income families. To do this, we will access Niagara Open Data sources, visualize the data in ArcGIS Online and run analysis to determine proximity (drive times), chart age categories of licensed child care centres and Enrich the outcome with census and Environics demographic data. Phew! It's going to be a great adventure learning about the tools available in ArcGIS Online. You won't want to miss it!  

NOTE: You must have access to an Esri Organizational account with access to Analysis Tools OR be a Brock affiliate (faculty, student, staff) to attend this workshop. 

External attendees must register via  Eventbrite 

  • Lunch: 12-1 p.m. Pizza ($) and Cake (free!) in the MDGL (MC-C306)

What is GIS?

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are tools that allow users to create, manage, analyze, and visualize spatial or geographic data. By integrating layers of information, GIS helps in understanding patterns, relationships, and trends in geographical spaces. It is widely used in various fields, including urban planning, environmental management, and disaster response.

What is GIS Day?

GIS Day is an annual event that celebrates geographic information systems (GIS) technology and its applications. The event, typically held on the third Wednesday of November, aims to promote awareness of GIS and demonstrate its importance in various fields, such as urban planning, environmental science, transportation, and more.

The idea behind GIS Day is to educate people about the value of GIS in solving real-world problems, improving decision-making, and contributing to a more sustainable world. Organizations, schools, and GIS professionals often host events, workshops, presentations, and activities to engage the public and highlight how GIS technology is used to analyze spatial data, map geographic areas, and make informed decisions.

GIS Day was first celebrated in 1999 and was initiated by Esri, a leading company in GIS software, as part of Geography Awareness Week. It provides a platform for users of GIS technology to showcase their work and for the general public to learn more about the role of geography and spatial analysis in our daily lives.

Where is the Map, Data & GIS Library?

See the yellow block, lower centre of the floorplan below. We are located at MC-C306. Visit  for more information or email