The Planning Process

Where are we now? Analyzing Orange Today and What’s Changed (Fall-Winter 2024)

  • Review local and regional plans and available data to better understand conditions, trends, challenges, issues, and opportunities.
  • Participate in conversations with the Planning Board, Town Staff, and the public to learn about the community issues and priorities that are important to them.

Where are we going? Envisioning the Future of Orange (Winter-Summer 2025)

  • Develop a community-driven vision for the future of Orange. The vision will provide direction for the overall plan, and a unified path forward for the physical development of the town in the future.
  • Organize public participation opportunities for community members to engage in and provide their feedback on Orange’s future.

How will we get there? Creating the Plan and Articulating the Path Forward (Summer-Fall 2025)

  • Develop actions the town will take to ensure Orange’s future is vibrant, resilient, and preserves the community’s sense of place while achieving the desired pattern of development and meeting other goals.
  • Create an implementation plan that lays the groundwork for achieving the desired future conditions outlined in the Town’s vision.
  • Finalize and formally adopt the Plan.