DHHL Kēōkea Master Plan
A master plan for the DHHL Kēōkea Homestead Farm Lots Association.
Introduction by Alika Akana
Master Plan Overview
Aloha mai kakou, o wau Alika Akana. I'm a homesteader and a board member of the Kēōkea homestead association farm lots, on behalf of our president, Pikake Newhouse, the board, and our membership, I wish to present a 10 or 10-year vision plan.
The 10 year vision plan was put together with a mana‘o and community meetings of our membership starting from 2015 and ending in 2019.
The vision plan encompasses an area of 70 acres on the top of our subdivision, which is along Kula highway, adjacent to Kēōkea town and right below Kula hospital.
In that area, we hope to build a cultural educational garden. We had native food plants and medicinal plants, also a separate building we hope to build a health center where we can have services such as dental, health, and nutritional, exercise, a healthy living, possibly all that kind of things in that building.
Proposed Healing Center
Further on, we hope to build a community center, a hale ho'ohui , so to speak, where we can have events such as weddings, lu'aus, ho'ike, with a amphitheater so that we can get some, revenue for our association.
And then across from that, we have a hope to get, with funding again, a preschool, a Hawaiian immersion preschool, interacting with also a kupuna center at the same time.
With funding to build a K-8th grade Hawaiian immersion school, younger generations will have better access to Hawaiian culture and education, which will serve our growing communities of Waiōhuli, Kēōkea, and Kahikinui.
Finally, in the final phase, we hope to fence off the entire area and bring in native plants. We plant koa, koai'a, 'ohi'a, hapu'u , all those types of plants.
That is, in short, our 10-year vision plan. I hope you can support it. Thank you for your time. Mahalo Ke Akua. A hui hou. Mālama pono. Aloha.
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