Benefits of Better Bus
What does this mean for you and the communities you live in?
Better Bus provides Nashvillians access to better service. Buses will come earlier, later, and more often for those who rely on our service and those who just want to give transit a try.
This chart shows our current frequency, with routes grouped by type of service.
You can see the current lack of evening and weekend frequency, as well as the limited and inconsistent service hours across the network.

This chart shows how service will expand with Better Bus.
Service becomes available earlier and later, the frequent network expands, and local and connector routes get frequency upgrades. Evening and weekend service improves.

This chart illustrates how these improved service levels will give more Nashvillians access to better transit service.
Notice how much more frequent and all-day service is available with Better Bus?
This chart shows the increase in the percentage of Nashville’s minority population that will have access to higher quality service.
And this chart illustrates how Better Bus provides more low-income residents this improved service.
With Better Bus, 97 percent of residents in subsidized housing would have access to transit.
41 percent would have access to frequent service (up from 32 percent currently).
Affordable housing near frequent transit service ensures that those who need it most have access to quality and affordable transportation.
Better Bus also increases the number of jobs within a 10 to 12-minute walk of frequent service.
But Better Bus is not just about having access to better service. Ultimately, it's about where that service can take you and how it can connect you with the rest of your life.
This map shows where someone can currently go in one hour from Clarksville Pike and 26th Avenue.
And this map shows how many more places that same person could reach in one hour with Better Bus improvements.
These service improvements will increase the number of places riders can reach within reasonable travel times. This means better access to your job, your school, your doctor, your grocery store, and even your favorite hot chicken joint.
Of course, charts and stats are fine, but you probably want to see exactly what Better Bus would do for you.
How would your trip change?
Where would you be able to go on transit?
Comparison map: existing system on left and Better Bus on right.