Monitoring Efforts in Lancaster County Watersheds
A look at the water quality of the Lancaster watersheds.
What are the watersheds of Lancaster?
A map of Lancaster County, PA depciting the different sub-watersheds. Try searching a point of interest to discover which HUC 12 watershed that point is located within! Clicking on a watershed will display a table of spatial data related to that watershed.
Everything in the Water is Connected
What do these solutions look like?
A before and after look into stream restoration projects.
Take a Peek at Some Monitoring Unit Data
The following line plots are taken from monitoring equipment deployed by the Lancaster County Conservation District. If interested, the USGS and Susquehanna River Basin Commission also have monitoring data available on their websites.
Volunteer with the Lancaster Water Quality Volunteer Coalition (WQVC)
If you are interested in volunteering, please visit the Lancaster Watersheds page to learn more.
This link will bring you to the WQVC's data center.
For any questions regarding the storymap or the Lancaster County Conservation District's mission, please contact the District at (717)-299-5361 ext 2557.
Pictures in this story map were provided by the Watershed Team at the Lancaster County Conservation District.