The Paving Patterns of Liu Fang Yuan 流芳園
Liu Fang Yuan features 12 different paving patterns created from clay tile, shards of limestone, and river rocks of various colors.
The courtyards and pathways of The Huntington’s Chinese Garden are carpeted in pebble mosaics of remarkable texture and color. Most of the patterns are adapted from designs in historical guides to garden-making, such as The Craft of Gardens (Yuan ye 園冶, 17th century) and The Source of Architectural Methods (Yingzao fayuan 營造法原, early 20th century).
Each of the paving patterns in Liu Fang Yuan has a specific name and inspiration, and many embody auspicious wishes. Together, they create a sense of visual variety and help to differentiate individual spaces within the garden.
Besides pebble mosaics, the paved ground of Liu Fang Yuan’s Court of Assembled Worthies (Ji Xian Yuan 集賢院) also includes three carved stone panels. Each presents a rebus, a puzzle-like combination of images conveying propitious puns.
Explore the garden by clicking on the map and photos below. (Please use a tablet, laptop, or desktop for the best viewing experience.)

Crosses and Begonias 十字海棠式

Begonias and Fungi 海棠芝花式

Swastikas and Begonias 卍字海棠式

Overlapping Hexagons 套六角式

Octagons and Olives 八角橄欖景

Overlapping Squares and Coins 套方金錢式

Soft Brocade and Swastikas 軟錦卍字式

Cracked Ice and Plum Blossoms 冰紋梅花式

Hexagons and Cracked Ice 六角冰紋式

Swastikas 卍字式

Random Rocks 亂石式

Tiger Skin 虎皮石

May You Have Honor and Longevity without End (gui shou wuji 貴壽無極)

May You Pass the Series of Exams One after Another (lu lu lian ke 路路連科)