
A review and summary of Rural Health Scholar research that addresses transportation on Martha's Vineyard.

Public Transportation on MV

Scholar Observations

Scholar Recommendations

  • Recommended expanded hours of operation for public transportation,  2012 RHS Presentation 
  • Recommended a compiled website of reproductive health services should also include information of how to access the clinic via public transportation,  2017 RHS Presentation 

Summary of the Community's response so far No updates (6.17.2022)

Other Transportation on MV

Scholar Observations

Scholar Recommendations

Summary of the Commuity's response so far

No updates (6.17.2022)

Off-Island Transportation

Scholar Observations

  • Off-Island transportation is also problematic for elders, especially when they go to the mainland for medical services and appointments,  2011 RHS Presentation 
  • Recommended creating a travel fund for off-Island visits to specialty care providers,  2017 RHS Presentation 
    • Specifically, reproductive endocrinology, urology, and off-Island deliveries or NICU admissions

Summary of the Commuity's response so far

  • IHC currently has a travel fund for these needs (mostly used by elders) and could be expanded (Updated 06.17.2022)