Collective Action Portal for Water in Doñana-Huelva

WRAP Water Stewardship programme for Doñana

What do we understand by water Stewardship?

This term is defined as “the use of water that is socially and culturally equitable, environmentally sustainable and economically beneficial, achieved through a stakeholder-inclusive process that includes both site- and catchment-based actions.”.

(Alliance for Water Stewardship - AWS, 2014).

It is an approach that seeks to go beyond what we traditionally understand as sustainable water management, with a focus on the basin level and promoting dialogue and collaboration between different stakeholders to provide collective responses to shared water challenges.

What does this Story Map have to offer?

This story map is a place where information about the water and environmental situation of the Doñana Natural Park is collected and displayed. There is a large amount of data, reports, plans and initiatives about the area, but they are scattered in different websites or publications. The aim of this tool is to gather and consolidate this information and present it in an accessible and visual way.

To view the story map, simply scroll down and the content will appear as the user scrolls. The user will also be able to interact with the maps that appear, zooming or clicking on the different elements displayed to consult their information or zoom in on elements of interest when a "+" appears in the text.

The repository can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking on the ··· icon at the top right and selecting "Print Preview -> Print -> Save as PDF". All references are listed at the bottom of the page, with links to the various sources of information used.

The Platform

Basin Geography

Hidrology, surface and groundwater bodies

Geographic distribution of productive areas

This project aims to prioritise actions related to water. It is therefore essential to understand the geographical distribution of production areas (particularly for berries) and the origin of irrigation water in the different agricultural areas of relevance.

General information on climatic conditions

Rainfall historical series in Doñana   VIII  . Source:  Estación Biológica de Doñana - CSIC. 

The climatology of the area is characterised by a sub-humid climate, with rainy autumns and springs, hot, dry summers and mild winters. The average annual rainfall is 549 mm, although in the last decade it has been below 500 mm on several occasions, and it is characterised by a typical Mediterranean climate variability, with wet and dry years. Most of the last 20 years have been considered dry (with rainfall equal to or less than the historical average).

Evolution of mean temperatures (black) and comparison between the cold (blue), medium (green) and warm (red) terciles between the two halves of the series 1978/79 and 2021/22. The dotted black line indicates the trend  IX  . Source:  Informe sobre el estado de los acuíferos en el entorno de Doñana. Año hidrológico 2021-2022  y 2022 - 2023

In terms of temperature, the area's climate is characterised by mild winters and hot summers, when temperatures can exceed 40º. However, the average annual temperature is on the rise. The increase is particularly marked in the cooler years.

Climate Change projections

 Source:“ Evaluación del Impacto del Cambio Climático en los Recursos Hídricos y Sequías en España  XI  

Other indicators of climate change, such as heat stress, which has a significant influence on agricultural production, are projected to be on an upward trend.  XII  . Source: European Climate Change Service,  Agroclimatic indicators explorer for Europe from 1970 to 2100 .

Projections of heat stress in the Doñana region (number of days per year with heat stress).

Particularly important is the prolonged drought that has been occurring in the area in the last 5 years.

Source: Estación Biológica de Doñana

In addition, sea-level rise could increase the salinity of the estuary, especially if combined with a reduction in inflows. This could have a direct impact on the ecology of the estuary and also on the marshes, especially in the Doñana National Park, where there could be significant impacts and changes in the distribution of ecosystems.

Status of water resources

Main water uses and demands

In order to monitor the evolution of resource availability in more detail, drought and scarcity reports are published monthly by the Water authorities of the  Guadalquivir XV  ,  TOP  XVI  and  Guadiana  XVII , in addition to being able to consult the Automatic Hydrological Information System (SAIH) of the Guadalquivir, the  weekly hydrological bulletin of MITECO  and the reservoir levels in the  reservoirs viewer of the REDIAM  system of Junta de Andalucía. It is also possible to consult piezometric levels in the viewer of the  Monitoring network of the ministry of environment  and the online viewer of the  Guadalquivir monitoring network .

The following map shows the quantitative status of the groundwater bodies and the various piezometric control points from which data on the evolution of their levels can be accessed.

Pressures on water bodies

Environmental flows

According to the  Hydrological planning instruction (IPH)  , The environmental flow regime shall be established in such a way as to maintain the functionality and structure of aquatic ecosystems and associated terrestrial ecosystems in a sustainable manner, contributing to the achievement of good ecological status or potential in rivers or transitional waters. To this end a minimum flow regime shall be established in the hydrological plans for each surface water body of the river type.

In the Doñana area, one of the most important watercourses, La Rocina stream, has a minimum flow regime that, according to existing records in the Automated Hydrological Information ( SAIH ) of Guadalquivir  XX  , is not met in the majority of the months since records began in 2018. In the case of the Guadiamar, the data show a very similar behaviour.

State of ecosystems

Since the middle of the last century, the environment of Doñana has undergone several anthropogenic changes, both in terms of forestry, agriculture and urban development. These factors, together with others of a natural nature or related to climate change, have had a series of effects on the ecosystems of the natural area.

Sta. Olalla lagoon, November 2023. (Photo credit: Carlos Ruiz EBD)

The Doñana lagoons have suffered serious deterioration in recent years, affecting the biodiversity they support. According to the latest report on the water situation of the Doñana Biological Station, dated 14 November 2023, the lagoons of Doñana are suffering a serious deterioration that is affecting the biodiversity they support.   XXV  , the flooded area of the marshes is 537.8 hectares, or 1.87% of the total area of the marshes. The Santa Olalla lagoon, the largest permanent lagoon in the Doñana Nature Reserve, dried up in the summers of 2022 and 2023, something that has not happened since records began.

The complete drying up of the permanent lagoons prevents the presence of fish and causes the death of eels, one of the species currently under threat. The freshwater turtle population is also declining.   XXVI  . For waterbirds, the 2004-2022 time series of data on the evolution of waterbird breeding populations and trends shows that most species are in a serious situation, with the majority of species in a serious situation.

More common species are also experiencing reduced productivity due to a reduction in the length of time the marsh is waterlogged. The lack of water means less food and many inaccessible places where birds lay their eggs, such as seams, colonies on floating nests or nest boxes on marsh vegetation, are accessible to predators, especially wild boar, which have experienced a population explosion in recent years.   XXVII  .

En la siguiente infografía puede ver algunas de las conclusiones del Informe  "Estado de la biodiversidad en Doñana. Memoria 2024 " elaborado por  ICTS de la Reserva Biológica de Doñana .

Water governance

This section provides an overview of the main management instruments for ecosystems, water resources, agriculture and land use. It aims to provide a better understanding of the governance systems in place and the key aspects of legal compliance.

With regard to water, two hydrological plans with their respective competent authorities must be taken into account, since the area of influence of the Doñana Natural Park lies between two river basin districts. These are the  Plan Hidrológico del Guadalquivir  and  Plan Hidrológico del Tinto, Odiel y Piedras , both in place for the third planning cycle 2022-2027. The competent authorities are the Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir and the Dirección General de Recursos Hídricos de la Consejería de Agricultura, Pesca, Agua y Desarrollo Rural de la Junta de Andalucía. These are the entities responsible for granting and managing water concessions for various uses. In cases such as the Guadalquivir demarcation, there is a public registerand a  viewer to consult water abstraction points and authorized irrigated areas .

The Guadalquivir Hydrological Plan includes a series of actions to ensure that the groundwater bodies of the Doñana reach the objective of good status by 2027. These are analysed in the specific file on the Doñana ( Ficha 10 ) within the Scheme of Important Issues of the Hydrological Plan.

 Sources:  Portal REDIAM  

Doñana framework for action - Marco de actuaciones para Doñana

Challenges & opportunities

Identifying opportunities for collective action

The main objectives from which to identify ideas for collective action to be included in the Water Stewardship Plan by the end of 2025, together with some preliminary ideas to take shape, are as follows:

Drive Water Stewardship practice

  • Promote spaces for dialogue (workshops, round tables...) to share experiences and build capacity in water stewardship and sustainable water use.
  • Establish a local platform to coordinate, stimulate, support and organise collective actions.
  • Integrate and share materials or publications.
  • Develop communication and awareness-raising materials.

Ensure legality of Water use

  • Sharing common approaches and tools for legality verification.
  • Build capacity for certification schemes and training of auditors.
  • Develop and share benchmark analyses of standards to identify improvements and strengthen certification systems.

Decrease Water scarcity & quality risks

  • Promote good agricultural practices, such as efficient irrigation systems or measurement and control of water and nitrate use.
  • Promote financial support mechanisms among value chain actors to scale up the implementation of good practices.

Improve status of water bodies & ecosystems

  • Promotion of monitoring systems for water quantity and quality in aquifers or surface waters.
  • Encourage activities to restore degraded ecosystems or to preserve ecological corridors and biodiversity.

Get Involved

One of the objectives of the WRAP Collective Action Programme for Doñana/Huelva is to create a network or platform to share information, provide materials and publications of interest, and articulate collective action activities.

The desired outcome of this repository is to serve as a knowledge base on which to build this platform for water stewardship in Doñana. By bringing together different sources of information and presenting them in a simplified and visual way, the repository aims to facilitate decision-making on what collective actions to promote and develop with the support of international value chains in the area. It also provides a meeting point for all actors in the agricultural value chain, where all initiatives supported by the project will be presented.

In addition, a repository of scientific, technical and sectoral documents linked to the study area has been created that can be consulted  here  if you want more information on specific issues.

This Portal will be constantly evolving, so it is very important that users actively participate in its development by sending us publications, studies and reports of interest, or by suggesting changes they feel are needed. If you have any comments on the repository or ideas for possible collective actions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Alex Fernández Poulussen (GSI) -  Marta Agujetas Pérez (GSI) -  Sophie Harrison (WRAP) - 


The different sources of information used or consulted for the development of this repository are listed below:

  1.  I  Alliance for Water Stewardship 
  2.  II    Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir:    Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales (IDE)   
  3.  III    Junta de Andalucía:    Red de Información Ambiental de Andalucía    - REDIAM
  4.  IV   Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (MITECO):   Marco de Actuaciones para Doñana  
  5.    Junta de Andalucía:   SIGPAC Andalucía  
  6.  VI   Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación:   Informe anual de indicadores  
  7.  VII   Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación:   Encuesta sobre Superficies y Rendimientos Cultivos (ESYRCE)  
  8.  VIII   Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación:   Estación Biológica de Doñana  
  9.  IX   Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir:   Informe del estado de los acuíferos del entorno de Doñana  
  10.  X     Red de Información Agroclimática de Andalucía (RIA)  
  11.  XI   Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir:   Plan Hidrológico de la demarcación hidrográfica del Guadalquivir (2022-2027)  
  12.  XII   Oficina Española del Cambio Climático:   Evaluación del impacto del cambio climático en los recursos hídricos y sequías en España  
  13.  XIII   European Climate Change Service:   Agroclimatic indicators explorer for Europe from 1970 to 2100  
  14.  XIV   MITECO:   Informes de la situación de sequía y escasez  
  15.  XV   Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir:   informes mensuales de sequías  
  16.  XVI   Junta de Andalucía:   Informes de escasez y sequía  
  17.  XVII   Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadiana:   Informes de sequía y escasez  
  18.  XVIII   MITECO:   Cartografía de Zonas Vulnerables a contaminación por nitratos  
  19.  XIX   Junta de Andalucía:   Plan Hidrológico de la demarcación del Tinto, Odiel y Piedras (TOP) 2022 - 2027  
  20.  XX   Sistema Automático de Información Hidrológica del Guadalquivir:   Datos Históricos  
  21.  XXI   Junta de Andalucía:   Plan de Ordenación de los Recursos Naturales y el Plan Rector de Uso y Gestión del Espacio Natural Doñana  
  22.  XXII   Junta de Andalucía:   Plan Especial de ordenación de las zonas de regadío ubicadas al norte de la corona forestal de Doñana (2014)  
  23.  XXIII   MITECO:   Marco de Actuaciones para el Desarrollo Territorial Sostenible del área de influencia del Espacio Natural Doñana  
  24.  XXIV   Junta de Andalucía:   Marco de actuaciones para el desarrollo territorial del área de influencia del Espacio Natural de Doñana  
  25.  XXV   Junta de Andalucía:   Informes de seguimiento del Plan de Ordenación de la Corona Forestal de Doñana  
  26.  XXVI   SEO BirdLife:   Informe sobre el estado de conservación de las aguas acuáticas en Doñana 

Other information sources consulted:

This story map was made possible thanks to the support of WRAP and the technical development led by GSI with the assistance of Jesús Vargas, professor at the University of Málaga and member of the Citizen Drought Observatory.

Rainfall historical series in Doñana   VIII  . Source:  Estación Biológica de Doñana - CSIC. 

Evolution of mean temperatures (black) and comparison between the cold (blue), medium (green) and warm (red) terciles between the two halves of the series 1978/79 and 2021/22. The dotted black line indicates the trend  IX  . Source:  Informe sobre el estado de los acuíferos en el entorno de Doñana. Año hidrológico 2021-2022  y 2022 - 2023

Projections of heat stress in the Doñana region (number of days per year with heat stress).

Source: Estación Biológica de Doñana

Sta. Olalla lagoon, November 2023. (Photo credit: Carlos Ruiz EBD)