Patapsco Regional Greenway: Cherry Hill

Planned Patapsco Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge to the trailhead of the Gwynns Falls Trail/Middle Branch Trail

Background Information

The Cherry Hill trail is a multi-modal trail that will be a part of the Patapsco Regional Greenway (PRG) as coordinated by the Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC). The    Patapsco Regional Greenway Plan    was approved by the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) in 2017.

The plan maps the main alignment of a 40-mile greenway connecting Sykesville in Carroll County to the Baltimore Inner Harbor and traversing the Patapsco Valley in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, and Howard Counties. Parts of the 10-12 foot wide shared-use trail are already constructed and open for use. The remaining segments will be designed and constructed based on jurisdictional priorities and funding availability.

Cherry Hill Trail

The Cherry Hill trail segment runs through the Cherry Hill Neighborhood. It will be an approximately 1.7-mile bicycle and pedestrian shared-use path, comfortable for a range of ages and abilities.

At the north, this trail will connect with the existing Middle Branch/Gwynns Falls Trail. At the south, it will link to the planned Maryland Department of Transportation, Maryland Transit Administration (MDOT MTA) Patapsco Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge. This will connect the neighborhood with the MDOT MTA Patapsco Light Rail Station.

Please note that the alignment shown is from the original  Patapsco Regional Greenway Plan  and may change as a result of public comment and engineering judgement.

Hover over the blue markers to see the existing conditions along the proposed trail alignment.

Section 1: Cherry Hill Neighborhood Section

This trail section will travel north from the Planned Cherry Hill Bridge to Round Road using community open space between Bethune Road and Denham Circle. The path may continue south-east on Round Road, until the road ends.

Section 2: Reedbird Park Trail Section

From Round Road, the trail could continue north-east along the currently-closed section of Reedbird Avenue, along Reedbird Park, until the intersection of Reedbird Avenue and Cherryland Road. The segment may then turn east into Reedbird Park.

Section 3: Middle Branch Wellness Connection Trail Section

The trail may enter the Middle Branch Fitness and Wellness Center, south of the Athletic Field. It could follow the eastern side of the field between the wellness center and Potee Street to the north end of the park, until the intersection of Potee Street and Reedbird Avenue.

Section 4: Gwynns Falls Connection Trail Section

The path may travel from Reedbird Avenue at Potee Street east along the MedStar Harbor Hospital parking lot to reach trailhead #9 of Gwynns Falls Trail/Middle Branch Trail.

Types of Trail

The Cherry Hill segment will use different pathway types so that pedestrians and bicyclists can travel safely and comfortably. The trail will be ADA accessible. Options include:

Sharrow: road markings used to indicate a shared lane environment for bicycles and cars.

Bike Lane: a portion of the roadway that has been designated by striping, signage, and pavement markings for the preferential or exclusive use of bicyclists.

Trail & Cycle Track: a physically separated trail that allows bicycle and pedestrian movement in both directions on one side of the road.

Shared Use Trail: an off-road trail.

Share Your Thoughts

We need input from the community to shape the vision for this trail. Before we start to plan, we would like to hear from the community, what are your thoughts? What features would you like on this part of the trail? Any worries on your mind? What suggestions do you have to make the trail beneficial for everyone? 

We're having a community open house to introduce the project and talk with the community. Join us on Monday, March 24 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the Cherry Hill Branch of the Enoch Pratt Library System (606 Cherry Hill Road Baltimore, MD 21225) 

RSVP  here . We hope to see you there!    

You can also let us know what you think by:

  • Survey - Take our 5 minute  survey 
  • Email:
  • Text: Send keyword CherryHill to the number 885-925-2801
  • Voicemail: Leave us a voice message at 885-925-2801 x 11148
  • Social Media: Find us on Meta and X @BaltoMetroCo and comment using the hashtag #BRTBlistens

Comments are welcome from Tuesday, March 11 through Monday, April 14, 2025.

Next Steps

  • Community Open House
  • To request translation service or other meeting accommodation, call 855-925-2801 x 11148 or email by March 18, 2025.
  • This initial comment period invites you to weigh in early on the concept and suggest alternative routes. Another comment period later this year will present proposed routes for public review, and a third comment period will invite members of the public to share additional feedback on a single ‘preferred alignment’ before design and construction moves ahead. These comment periods seek to ensure that we can consider your feedback at every stage of planning.
    • Community Meeting #2 - Summer 2025
    • Community Meeting #3 - Winter 2026