Tree, Plant, and Crop Maps

Annual Crops Map

What kinds of crops are grown at Mission Garden?

The colored shapes on this map represent the different garden areas within Mission Garden. Click on one to learn about what crops are grown in each garden, including common, traditional, and scientific names.

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Tree Map

The dots on this map represent individual trees, grapes, and prickly pears growing at the Garden. Click on one to learn their common, scientific, and cultivar names. Some trees have additional information including their origins and history, local harvesting practices and traditional uses, and tips for growing them in Tucson.

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Aerial Photo by Justin Risley

Perennial Plant Map

The dots on this map represent individual perennial plants growing at the Garden. Click on one to learn their common, scientific, and cultivar names. Some plants have additional information about their origins, traditional uses, and more.

Aerial Photo by Justin Risley

Texts and photos, unless otherwise noted, are by Dena Cowan. Design by Ellen Platts and Katie Portman (KP).

© 2025 Friends of Tucson’s Birthplace - Mission Garden.

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