SUSHI - Telling

Introduction Note

The inhabitants, the groups of citizens, in a spontaneously or organized way, are the main engine to leverage and operationalize sustainable management activities in neighborhoods or cities.

Through dialogue and discussion of concepts in different areas, such as social innovation, mobility, circular economy, among many others, a set of conversations are presented to demonstrate different ways of approaching the theme of sustainability, in the Historic District of Alfama and in other Historic Neighborhoods of Lisbon.

By sharing the various talks that we had with residents and the local project developers, we intend to contribute, in a light and inspiring way, to point out initiatives from who is currently engaged with sustainability or aspire to be! We aim to inspire with these talks not only more residents in Alfama, but also in any other historic area on our planet.

Vereador José Sá Fernandes

Vereador José Sá Fernandes, Municipality of Lisbon 

Vera Gregório & Victor Vieira

Vera Gregório e Victor Vieira Lisboa E-Nova


Building Sustainbility

Carmen Lima

Carmen Lima is researcher in areas related to the theme of sustainable construction. She is also responsible for the area of waste management at the Environmental Defense Association QUERCUS.

In this conversation we spoke with Carmen about relevant aspects related to circularity and construction. During this conversation she shares some tips that considers important to apply specifically in construction and rehabilitation of buildings in historic areas of cities.

Carmen Lima, Quercus

São Vicente Cá Fora" activity and the Lisbon E-Nova team came together to make a lively piece to highlight the importance of the three most raw material consuming activities with the potential to be worked on in the transition process for more circular and sustainable consumption. In this video you can consult some facts and figures about the importance of Construction, Food and Fashion and actions that can reduce your footprint for the good of the planet. 

Re Ação Reutilizar

Textiles & Fashion

Zero Desperdício and Thinker & Sinner

Paula Policarpo from Associação Zero Desperdício and António Peres from Startup The Thinker & The Sinner tell us about the partnership project to contribute to greater sustainability indexes in the world of textiles and fashion. In the final part of the conversation André Gonçalves joins us to talk a little about the application that Zero Desperdício is developing to quantify and raise awareness about the environmental benefits of the reuse and upcycling of garments.

António Peres, Thinker & Sinner and Paula Policarpo, André Gonçalves, Zero Desperdício

Patch Work Workshop

João Galvão fashion designer at Thinker & the Sinner spoke to us about the ancestral technique of Patchwork and its potential to contribute to the circularity of the clothing world. During the conversation he presents some important tips for those who want to start the adventure of building new fabrics using Patch Work.

João Galvão, Zero Desperdício e Thinker & The Sinner


Planting Aromatics Workshop - Gardening School of Municipality of Lisbon

The City of Lisbon School of Gardening shared with us some relevant techniques to produce healthy and successful aromatic plants.

In this video, all the details regarding the choice of containers, most appropriate substrates, type of plants and irrigation are presented. Take a peek and start in the world of producing your own food.

Planting Aromatics Workshop, Municipality of Lisbon 

Local Development


Sara Morais Pinto is a founder member of the Zero Waste Lab Association.

In this talk, Sara tells us how the Association came about and explains some of the projects that have been developed in some neighborhoods of Lisbon related to public participation in waste management and the reduction of its production.

In the final part, she shares her view on what success factors can make community intervention successful for sustainability.

Sara Morais Pinto, Zero Waste Lab

Locals Approach

Gonçalo Folgado is one of the founders of Associação Local Approaches. We talked to him about the Farm Code project that they are starting with schools in Alfama neighbourhood with focus on healthy and sustainable food.

During the conversation, he explains how it is important for younger groups to combine the themes of nature with those of new information technologies. Through this approach, we are able to teach and raise awareness in a simple and successful way.

Gonçalo Folgado, Locals Approach

Associação João 13

Frei Filipe is the Director of the João 13 Association who works with homeless communities. During the conversation, Frei Filipe shares with us some details that he considers relevant to humanize and dignify the life of this type of population.

We also exchanged a few words with him about how can we combine sustainability issues with the work done with the homeless community present in Alfama.

Frei Filipe, Associação João 13, Parish São Vicente Cultural Pole

Sustainable Mobility


Ana Pereira is one of the founders of the Bicicultura association that promotes the use of cycling in Lisbon.

In this conversation Ana shared her motivations with us and explained some projects that she has been involved in and that aim to facilitate the use of sustainable mobility in Lisbon, a city of seven hills.

Ana Pereira, Bicicultura

Art & Sustainability

Zet Gallery

In this video, made by Zet Gallery, the details related to the organization of the SÃO VICENTE CÁ FORA activity are presented. Is also presented how can artistic activities contribute to leverage the transition for sustainable communities.

During the conversation, several testimonies were collected from the various stakeholders involved: Lisbon E-Nova team, São Vicente Parish Council Executive, Artists and Zet Gallery, DST representatives.


Talking with neighbours

Local Production

William Dell

William is a recent resident of Alfama. In this conversation he shares with us the idea and the desire that a group of neighbors have to put into practice a community garden in a space that awaits rehabilitation.

Sharing the production of some vegetables and generating social interaction is the dream of this group of inhabitants.

Talking with neighbours - William Dell


Márcio Santos

Márcio Santos is a neighbor who arrived in Alfama very recently. He brought with him the desire to implement a vermicomposting system that takes advantage of the remains of vegetables in local restaurants, that can be returned to the soil to generate new productions.

Get to know a little about Márcio's idea as well as his adaptation process to Alfama neighbourhood. 

Talking with neighbours  - Marcio Santos

Chating with two Alfama neighbours

Dona Júlia e Ângela Carvalho

Dona Júlia is one of the oldest residents of Alfama and Ângela came to live in the neighbourhood about three years ago.

They both share the pleasure of living in this characteristic neighbourhood of the Lisbon.

Dona Júlia told us what life was like in Alfama in the old times and Ângela explained us how through sharing tomato seeds she gets to know her neighbours and how it brings happiness to the whole community.

Talking with neighbours - Dona Júlia e Ângela Carvalho

Social Inclusivity – An Anchor for (in)sustainable Lives!

Gabriel Correia

Gabriel is a homeless person in Alfama.

From the conversation we had, we got to know a little about his life story and the importance that the social support given by Associação João 13 has in his daily life.

Talking with neighbours - Gabriel Correia

Sustainable Energy

We interviewed two inhabitants of Alfama to know more about their electricity bill and how well they feel at home.

Energy Workshop, 1st Part

The steps to arrive at the amount to pay for the electricity consumed are explained, followed by several hints to put in practice at home that will help to reduce the bill.

Energy Workshop, 2nd Part