The South Dakota Geological Survey

Performing scientific investigations and providing information about the state's natural resources.

The mission of the Geological Survey is to perform scientific investigations that are designed to generate information on South Dakota's geologic and hydrologic resources. Fundamental aspects of those investigations are to include the collection, interpretation, and dissemination of geologic and hydrologic information leading to:

  • better understanding of the geology and hydrology of South Dakota
  • better and easier use of the information by government, industry, and the public for decisions related to resource development and protection
  • greater economic development
  • better quality of life for South Dakota's citizens

Drilling Rigs

Over the last 70 years the South Dakota Geological Survey has used many different types of drilling rigs to assess the geologic and ground water resources of the State and to aid with environmentally sound management decisions of these resources. The South Dakota Geological Survey has drilled in excess of 20,000 test holes and completed more than 4,000 monitoring wells.


Geologist Assistant Internship Program

Interns perform tasks related to the assessment of the geology and ground water resources of the state. Tasks include drilling of test holes, installation of monitoring wells, water quality sampling, data analysis, and geologic and hydrogeologic mapping using GIS software.

For more information, click  here .