Shared Streets Pilot Program
Ullrich Ave / Arroyo Seco Area

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A rendering of various users sharing street space
Shared Streets are neighborhood streets with low amounts of traffic, low speeds, and no or few sidewalks. Shared Streets will use traffic calming devices, such as traffic circles, pinch points, signs, paint, or curb extensions to make residential streets more comfortable for people walking, biking, or rolling.
There are over 2,000 miles of missing sidewalks in Austin. At current construction rates, it would take over 100 years for the City of Austin to build out all of its missing sidewalks.
The City is exploring Shared Streets as a less costly, more flexible option with fewer impacts to existing trees and landscaping than installing sidewalks. Shared Streets, plus sidewalks on busier streets, improved street crossings, and urban trails would help the City complete the pedestrian network more quickly.
Pilot Project
As part of the ATX Walk Bike Roll plan update process, the City of Austin will be testing the Shared Street concept using temporary materials along Ullrich Avenue from Arroyo Seco to Joe Sayers Avenue and on Joe Sayers from Ullrich to Theckla. This past Spring, the City hosted a pop up event in the neighborhood to share more about the concept and gather feedback from people living on these streets. Based on community input and staff's safety recommendations, the below shared street design will be installed in the coming weeks and will remain in place for approximately six months. The area is also getting permanent sidewalk improvements as part of the project.
Over the six month pilot period, the project will be evaluated based on a number of factors, including comfort, use, speed, volume of motor vehicles and support by residents. If the pilot project produces the desired outcomes and continues to have the support of residents along the street, the design changes will remain in place. If the pilot has not produced the desired outcomes or lacks resident support, it will be removed.
Design Plan
This pilot project will install sidewalks, curbs and ramps and semi-permanent traffic calming devices at Ullrich Avenue near Arroyo Seco to improve safety and mobility for all users.
- On Joe Sayers Ave, there will be a new sidewalk on the west side of the street from Koenig Ln to Ullrich Ave.
- On Arroyo Seco, there will be a new sidewalk from Koenig Ln to Ullrich Ave.
- Ramps will be installed at the Dry Creek pedestrian bridge to make it accessible.
Shared Street Pilot
Shared Street Sign
- Shared Street signage indicating to all street users that they will be sharing the street with people walking, biking, rolling, and driving, and to be aware of their surroundings.
- On Joe Sayers south of Ullrich, there will be pinch points and a curb extension to slow traffic and turning movements.
- On Ullrich Ave, there will be signage and at the intersection with Arroyo Seco, the curb will be pulled out to reduce the turning radius, slow turning movements, and reduce crossing distance.
- At Arroyo Seco and Jim Hogg Ave, the existing intersection configuration will be modified to support slower, safer turning and through movements.
- On Arroyo Seco west of Dry Creek, there will be a paint and post pedestrian facility.
Concept design showing an aerial view of the shared street project limits. ( View in Greater Detail )
Stay Informed
For questions please email sharedstreets@austintexas.gov or click below to get on the mailing list for project updates.