River Street Reconstruction Project: Carl Barron Plaza

Scroll Down to See Carl Barron Plaza Design Concepts

Welcome to the River Street Reconstruction Virtual Open House. The City and project team created this site to show you the proposed design plans for Carl Barron Plaza as a part of the River Street Reconstruction Project ( click here to go to the River Street Reconstruction project page ). Scroll down to learn more about how the designs for Carl Barron Plaza have progressed since our October 2020 virtual open house. At any point, you can skip ahead using the navigation bar up top.

 Click here to register for our live virtual Q&A public information session  on Tuesday, June 22nd (6:00 - 7:30PM). Join early to watch a replay of the presentation video (5:30 - 6:00PM). Project staff will answer pre-submitted and live questions during this session. You can submit a question ahead of time through the General Comments form in the Share Your Thoughts section or by sending an email to  RiverStreet@CambridgeMA.gov 

Design Considerations

Scroll through the following rendering views to learn more about our primary design concept: "Sculptural Ribbon"

Plan view of design concept with ribbon sculpture weaving throughout the plaza
Plan view of design concept with ribbon sculpture weaving throughout the plaza