The Energy Coalition: Internship Reflection

Home audit data and action plan

Energy Conservation

  • Installing LED lightbulbs
  • Energy-efficient windows for better insulation
  • Energy star-approved appliances
  • Turning off lights not in use or in the morning
  • Being up to date with electric regulations

Water Conservation

  • Planting drought-resistant plants
  • Having new faucets
  • Efficient shower heads
  • Faucets turned off while not in use
  • Efficient washers

y-axis is in gallons, households in California

Equity Report Data 

ethnic population in Oakland from 2022

Oakland Drinking Water Contaminants

Oakland Redlining

Before Spanish colonization in 1769, Oakland was home to the Ohlone. In 1851 Horace W. Carpentier acquired a town site in 1852, naming it Oakland for the oak trees on the grassy plain. Carpentier and his associates extended the area and incorporated it as a city in 1854. 

A population of 436,504 in 2023 with a 0.0633% increase in 2021-2022. In Alameda County, 15.7% of residents are on SNAP. 13.2% of Oakland's population is impoverished in Oakland, CA. 57.2k out of 433k people live below the poverty line, higher than the national average of 12.5%. Alameda County residents, 961,872, are registered voters, or 87.86%.

Comparative energy analysis: Sites

Powerville High School

Powerville Middle School

The total energy used for Powerville Middle School and Powerville High School is relatively the same, though the high school has about 10,000 more in electricity due to the size of the campus. It does look like they use less gas than the middle school.

Energetic High School

Energetic Middle School

The most efficient areas are the MMBTU's total energy. The least efficient area is gas. I would recommend that they update the HVAC systems in the building because it has the highest level of gas usage of all the schools.

Energetic High School has the 2nd highest total energy usage, and electricity it seems to be using the most amount of gas out of every other school. The high school has about twice as much of the total energy used compared to the middle school considering it has twice as much electricity used.

Steven Sparker High School

Steven Sparker Middle School

The most efficient area is MMBTUs and total energy. The least efficient areas are electricity. I would recommend that they replace outdoor and building lights with LED as they also have the highest electricity usage.

Steven Sparker Middle School seems to have the lowest electricity usage out of all the schools maybe the other schools could take notes from them, in contrast, Steven Sparker High School has the highest electricity usage and total energy maybe the need to inform other schools on their energy-consuming appliances. This could be due to unnecessary consumption at night like leaving on certain lights.

Powerville Unified School District

Powerville Unified School District

There is a spike in energy usage because the weather in summer and winter contributes most of the energy usage. 

. The program should help cover the funding for other projects, being the most expensive step. Energy-efficient systems such as indoor and outdoor LED lighting reduce utility costs The projects I would implement for the Powerville School District are Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy Financing. Because utilizing grants is low-interest financing, and support through Powerville's Local Government Partnership program to finance energy consumption is the largest expense for the schools, The program should help cover the funding for other projects being the most expensive step. Energy-efficient systems such as indoor and outdoor LED lighting by 13%, HVAC upgrades by 9%, and solar reduce utility costs by around 30%. 

Energy Career Highlight

  • An energy analyst is responsible for monitoring energy usage for companies or governmental bodies. Beyond the general responsibilities of an energy analyst, some duties specifically pertain to certain types of analyst jobs.

Internship Reflection

ethnic population in Oakland from 2022

Powerville High School

Powerville Middle School

Energetic High School

Energetic Middle School

Steven Sparker High School

Steven Sparker Middle School

Powerville Unified School District

Powerville Unified School District

y-axis is in gallons, households in California