Esri China (HK) 25th Anniversary STEAM Cup –
Multi-Subjects ArcGIS StoryMaps Application Competition
Multi-Subjects ArcGIS StoryMaps Application Competition
To equip students with the 21 st Century skills, schools shall strengthen STEAM education and foster students’ cross-disciplinary learning ability in technology, science and mathematics, and arts. Co-organizing with HKedCity, the “Esri China (HK) 25 th Anniversary STEAM Cup – Multi-Subjects ArcGIS StoryMaps Application Competition” aims to sharpen students’ critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and innovation skills. Teachers could encourage students to choose any subject to participate in the competition. With the learning tools ArcGIS Online and interactive StoryMaps, students learn to combine data, maps, and multimedia to create an effective medium for conveying new findings and knowledge on any subject they are interested in.
All primary and secondary schools are welcome to join this territory-wide competition. Teachers can simply fill in the online application form to join the contest. The organizer will offer free ArcGIS Online school accounts for the event. By joining the competition, students will be able to illustrate different STEAM concepts with StoryMaps in a fun and interactive way.
For enquiries, please contact the Organizer via WhatsApp 51132835 or email
Territory-wide basis, all primary and secondary schools are welcome. All participants will be divided into 3 categories:
(Updated) Only group entry is open. Students are advised to form a group of 2-6 persons with at least 1 contact person (can be either teacher, student or parent). Students are allowed to form teams to join in different subjects, however, students shall not join more than one team in one single subject. Each school can form as many teams as they like.
November 2022 – July 2023
1st Briefing Session
2nd Briefing Session
1st session Workshop
2nd session Workshop
Project Submission Deadline
Judging Period
Result Announcement
Presentation Day & Prize Award Ceremony (Winning Teams only)
Any Schools or students interested in participating the Competition can complete online enrolment could fill in the online registration form below.
Esri China (HK) 25th Anniversary STEAM Cup - Multi-Subjects ArcGIS StoryMap Application Competition
The 1st and 2nd Briefing Session are completed. Please clink the link below to rewatch the briefing recording video
Please contact us at if you would like to request the briefing session presentation slides.
The 1st and 2nd Workshop are completed. Please clink the link below to rewatch the recording video
Please contact us at if you would like to request the workshop presentation slides.
Content of workshop:
In the workshop, the tutor will brief the participants about ArcGIS StoryMaps, Survey123, open data, spatial analysis, interactive map dashboard and Python coding application from basic to advanced. Teachers and students can join any session to meet your own needs.
Session 1: Introduction of ArcGIS StoryMaps, Map Viewer, and ArcGIS Survey 123 (suitable for primary, junior and senior secondary school teachers and students)
Session 2: Open data and spatial analysis, interactive map dashboard (suitable for junior and senior secondary school teachers and students)
Session 3: Application of Python in ArcGIS Jupyter Notebooks (Must have basic knowledge of Python. Candidates of Mathematics & Technology and Mathematics, Information and Communication Technology are advised to join this session.
This is a subject-based competition. The participating teams can choose any subject listed below to join the contest. Participants are required to use StoryMaps to conduct a project based on the chosen subject’s learning elements. The participating teams are also required to submit a StoryMap and a 2-minutes introduction video to present the project. Through the competition, students would enhance their creativity and the ability to collect and integrate different sources of information. Therefore, students can learn to solve real-world problems by applying the knowledge in a practical way. participating teams in the designated category are required to choose any subject listed below:
Themes of Category 1
Themes of Category 2
Themes of Category 3
Junior Secondary Schools – suitable for S.1 – S.3
Senior Secondary Schools – suitable for S.4 – S.6
We offer a free GIS Training Kit to teachers who are interested to participate the competition. The Training Kit is intended to facilitate teachers to deliver effective GIS lessons in class so they can later mobilise and prepare their students to join the competition and daily lecturing. The Kit will provide instructions on downloading spatial data, finding content, displaying data in map, analysing data and saving maps for public access and collaboration.
Each project will be judged on the criteria below:
Decisions made by the Judging Panel shall be final.
There will be a champion, 1 st runner-up, 2 nd runner-up, and Merit for each subject in each category. The Most Popular Entry Award will be chosen from all the submitted entries. Besides, in each category, there are a number of prizes to award the students, including the Best StoryMap Application Award, Best Storytelling Award, Most Innovative Award, and “Tell the Good Story of Hong Kong Award”. The Awardees will be awarded with cash prizes, trophies, and competition certificates.
(In alphabetical order of Surname)
Please contact the Organizer via: WhatsApp: 51132835 Email: