African Influences on Puerto Rican Culture
For this Venture Grant, we wanted to learn more about how African cultures influence Puerto Rican culture, both historically and contemporarily. We explored Afro-Puerto Rican culture through culinary, artistic, and interpersonal experiences. Our research question is; How do Afro-Puerto Ricans express and promote their African Culture?
Participant Observation - Our main avenue of learning about African influences on Puerto Rican culture was through participant observation. To do this, we asked locals questions about their connections to and expressions of African culture.

Naturalistic Observation - In addition to participant observation, we also employed naturalistic observation. To do this, we attended local events, shops, and restaurants. We paid attention to the types of clothes/hairstyles, music that was playing and who/how people were dancing, how food was prepared, and any art we saw.
Academic Findings
African influences in Puerto Rico are not explicit. From what we learned about Puerto Rico through our prior research, we were able to notice African influences on the food, music, and even in some of the colors/decor/clothes that we saw in Loiza.
From talking to locals, we learned that the awareness and definition of African and Black were very diverse. Some believed that all Puerto Ricans are somewhat Black, while others believed that to be Black or African you needed to look a certain way and be from mainland Africa. This disparity between the awareness of African influences and definitions of Blackness is similar to what would be seen in the US. We believe that, just like in the US, the influences that African and Black cultures have on mainstream culture are not as appreciated as they should be.
Personal Impact
Witnessing the African influences in every aspect of Puerto Rican culture has had a profound impact on us, pushing us to connect more with our identities as Black women. Immersing ourselves in this vibrant culture has revealed the shared experiences and connections that bring Puerto Ricans of African descent together. Seeing how many Puerto Ricans identified proudly as Black and celebrated their heritage with such pride was deeply validating for us.
This experience challenged our preconceived notions and expanded our understanding of what it means to be Black. We came to appreciate that Blackness is not a monolithic identity but a race of diverse experiences, histories, and cultures. By embracing the multiplicity of Blackness, we are learning to break stereotypes to liberate ourselves from the assumptions of how society views Black people and identities.
Afro-Puerto Rican culture empowered us to embrace our own identities more fully as Black women. It provided a sense of belonging and affirmation, strengthening our connection to our heritage and fostering a greater sense of pride in who we are. This journey of self-discovery has been transformative, enriching our lives and deepening our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
Next Steps
As we have gained a better understanding of Blackness from a different perspective, we are now more interested in learning more about how African culture intersects with Latin American cultures. Brazil stands out as a potential location to continue looking into this intersection as it has one of the largest Black populations outside of Africa. Because of its diverse culture and complex past, we want to learn more about how Blackness in Brazil has been shaped by its history and continues to impact its future.
Furthermore, our time in Puerto Rico taught us a lot about the nuances of Blackness and how its perception can differ. We both are committed to sharing what we have learned about the richness of Puerto Rican culture to encourage others to foster a deeper understanding of the diversity of Black identities.