Local Food in Louisville
Use this map to discover community gardens and farmers markets in your neighborhood.
Louisville Area Community Gardens

Blackacre Community Garden
Blackacre Community Garden. Click to expand.
Blackacre Community Garden is the largest the Louisville Area, with over 300 plots. Gardeners can choose from variety of plots sizes, starting at $15 for the whole season. Beginning or experienced gardeners are welcome. With the support from other gardeners, on-line videos, and our knowledgeable Community Garden Manager, you too can learn how to grow a healthy and thriving garden.

Briargate Community Garden
Briargate Community Garden. Click to expand.

German-Paristown Community Garden
German-Paristown Community Garden. Click to expand.
German-Paristown Neighborhood Association

Old Louisville Community Garden
Old Louisville Community Garden. Click to expand.
The mission of the Old Louisville Community Garden at Brook Street is to create a public space for people and organizations interested in the environmental, social, and personal benefits of cooperative community gardening and focused on creative opportunities for learning, community development, and sustainable stewardship. If you are interested in having a raised bed in the garden, please contact Jean Christensen, 502-634-3114, or find them on Facebook.

Phoenix Hill Community Garden
Phoenix Hill Community Garden. Click to expand.
Neighbors tend their own beds and share herbs and fruit trees here.

Shawnee Garden of Principles
Shawnee Garden of Principles. Click to expand.

Shelby Park Community Garden
Shelby Park Community Garden. Click to expand.
Founded circa 2012 by the Gross Family with help from Sojourn Church at the corner of E. St. Catherine and S. Hancock St. The garden land is privately owned by Ray Brown. He has kindly allowed gardeners to use this land.

St. Peter Claver Garden
St. Peter Claver Garden. Click to expand.
The St. Peter Claver Community Garden is an organic garden founded by ACTIVE Louisville. The site is owned by Louisville Metro Housing Authority (LMHA).

Shawnee People's Garden
Shawnee People's Garden. Click to expand.
The People’s Garden was created in 2011 to offer space for Shawnee residents to garden, meet, learn, and grow.

Peaceful Eden Community Garden
Peaceful Eden Community Garden. Click to expand.
The Peaceful Eden Community Garden was founded in 2017 with 133 plots on property owned by the Archdiocese of Louisville. Gardeners identified leaders from within the group and voted on how decisions would be made within the community space. As you walk through the garden, you will see produce native to countries around the world such as Congo, Burundi, Burma, and others.

Community Food Forest
Community Food Forest. Click to expand.
The Community Food Forest provides free local & organic fruit to neighborhood residents!

Hope Garden
Hope Garden. Click to expand.
Building Community in West Louisville

Justin Clark Memorial Community Herb Garden
Justin Clark Memorial Community Herb Garden. Click to expand.
Highlands Community Ministries

Orchard of Beechmont
Orchard of Beechmont. Click to expand.
Summer 2022 community work times are Thursdays from 6:30-7:30 PM.

7th Street Garden
7th Street Garden. Click to expand.
Since the 1970s, 7th Street Community Garden has been used by people from all over the world to grow food for themselves, their families, and their neighbors.

Blue Lick Community Garden
Blue Lick Community Garden. Click to expand.
The Jefferson County Cooperative Extension Service manages 10 Community Gardens throughout Louisville/Jefferson County. This popular program provides access to plots, which are rented by the year with the option to renew a plot each year, allowing for year-round gardening. All gardens have free water and most are supplied with small equipment, like tillers, at no additional cost. Beyond the management of the garden, the Extension Service also offers classes for gardeners of all skill levels as well as one-on-one consultations available in person or on the phone to answer questions.

Emerson Community Garden
Emerson Community Garden. Click to expand.
The Jefferson County Cooperative Extension Service manages 10 Community Gardens throughout Louisville/Jefferson County. This popular program provides access to plots, which are rented by the year with the option to renew a plot each year, allowing for year-round gardening. All gardens have free water and most are supplied with small equipment, like tillers, at no additional cost. Beyond the management of the garden, the Extension Service also offers classes for gardeners of all skill levels as well as one-on-one consultations available in person or on the phone to answer questions.

Limerick Community Garden
Limerick Community Garden. Click to expand.
The Jefferson County Cooperative Extension Service manages 10 Community Gardens throughout Louisville/Jefferson County. This popular program provides access to plots, which are rented by the year with the option to renew a plot each year, allowing for year-round gardening. All gardens have free water and most are supplied with small equipment, like tillers, at no additional cost. Beyond the management of the garden, the Extension Service also offers classes for gardeners of all skill levels as well as one-on-one consultations available in person or on the phone to answer questions.

Parkland Community Garden
Parkland Community Garden. Click to expand.
The Jefferson County Cooperative Extension Service manages 10 Community Gardens throughout Louisville/Jefferson County. This popular program provides access to plots, which are rented by the year with the option to renew a plot each year, allowing for year-round gardening. All gardens have free water and most are supplied with small equipment, like tillers, at no additional cost. Beyond the management of the garden, the Extension Service also offers classes for gardeners of all skill levels as well as one-on-one consultations available in person or on the phone to answer questions.

Russell Community Garden
Russell Community Garden. Click to expand.
The Jefferson County Cooperative Extension Service manages 10 Community Gardens throughout Louisville/Jefferson County. This popular program provides access to plots, which are rented by the year with the option to renew a plot each year, allowing for year-round gardening. All gardens have free water and most are supplied with small equipment, like tillers, at no additional cost. Beyond the management of the garden, the Extension Service also offers classes for gardeners of all skill levels as well as one-on-one consultations available in person or on the phone to answer questions.

Farnsley Moreman Community Garden
Farnsley Moreman Community Garden. Click to expand.
The Jefferson County Cooperative Extension Service manages 10 Community Gardens throughout Louisville/Jefferson County. This popular program provides access to plots, which are rented by the year with the option to renew a plot each year, allowing for year-round gardening. All gardens have free water and most are supplied with small equipment, like tillers, at no additional cost. Beyond the management of the garden, the Extension Service also offers classes for gardeners of all skill levels as well as one-on-one consultations available in person or on the phone to answer questions.

William F. Miles Community Garden
William F. Miles Community Garden. Click to expand.
The Jefferson County Cooperative Extension Service manages 10 Community Gardens throughout Louisville/Jefferson County. This popular program provides access to plots, which are rented by the year with the option to renew a plot each year, allowing for year-round gardening. All gardens have free water and most are supplied with small equipment, like tillers, at no additional cost. Beyond the management of the garden, the Extension Service also offers classes for gardeners of all skill levels as well as one-on-one consultations available in person or on the phone to answer questions.

Southside Community Garden
Southside Community Garden. Click to expand.
Southside Community Garden is located on two acres of land behind Antioch Church and serves gardeners from all over the world.

Americana Community Garden
Americana Community Garden. Click to expand.
Americana World Community Center is bridging the gap from surviving to thriving for Louisville’s refugee, immigrant and underserved populations through education, family support, youth achievement, and career and financial development.

Habitat for Humanity Garden
Habitat for Humanity Garden. Click to expand.
Plots Available!

Francis Center Community Garden
Francis Center Community Garden. Click to expand.
Francis Center Community Garden was started in April, 2015. It is located on Hikes Lane on the campus of St. John Paul II Catholic Church (formerly, St. Barnabas). The first year, the garden had 42 plots and the second year that number grew to 56. All of the plots were used both seasons.

New Hope International Farm
New Hope International Farm. Click to expand.
The New Hope International Farm, founded in 2017, is located on the grounds of the Passionist Earth & Spirit Center and is managed by farmers who have moved from Burundi, Congo, and other countries.

Hope Community Farm
Hope Community Farm. Click to expand.
Hope Community Farmoffers Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares and sells at local farmers markets.

UofL Garden Commons
UofL Garden Commons. Click to expand.
The Garden Commons is an educational community space open throughout the year to participation from all students, staff, faculty, and community members. Those who help out in the garden are welcome to enjoy the fruits of our labor via you-pick. Please don't horde the harvest.

UPA Horticulture Zone
UPA Horticulture Zone. Click to expand.
The UPA Horticulture Zone is an example the potential for urban agriculture and sustainability on small lots in urban areas. On May 22, 2013, students and staff of the Department of Urban and Public Affairs broke ground on the UPA Horticulture Zone behind UofL's Urban Studies Institute.

Leake Memorial Community Garden
Leake Memorial Community Garden. Click to expand.
Behind Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church, contact Sustainable Agriculture of Louisville (SAL) to get involved in community work days.

St. Ignatius Community Garden
St. Ignatius Community Garden. Click to expand.
The St. Ignatius Organic Community Garden was founded in 2014 on the property of St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic Church. The garden is a beautiful and productive space where people from Nepal, Burma, and the United States gather to grow food, learn together and care for the land.

Maplewood Apartments Garden
Maplewood Apartments Garden. Click to expand.
Maplewood Apartments Garden formed in 2015 through conversations between community members and the property owner about using yard space to grow food. In the first year, about 40 people living in the apartments began to garden.

St. Francis Xavier Garden
St. Francis Xavier Garden. Click to expand.
Founded in 2015, the St. Francis Xavier garden grows food for local food pantries.

JCC Community Garden
JCC Community Garden. Click to expand.
The JCC Community Garden’s mission statement is to build a healthy, vibrant, and sustainable Jewish community by engaging with urban farming, food justice, environmental education, and outdoor activity.

Love City Garden
Love City Garden. Click to expand.
The Love City Community Garden’s mission is to love our neighbors by providing a space for community members to garden, learn gardening, and by providing fresh vegetables to the community. For those not involved in the day to day gardening, the garden will provide a source of fresh produce.

Hunsinger Lane Baptist Church Garden
Hunsinger Lane Baptist Church Garden. Click to expand.
website: www.hlbc.net/hca6toyq6po73m52iy476iy556n2a6

Cabbage Patch Settlement House Garden
Cabbage Patch Settlement House Garden. Click to expand.
The Cabbage Patch Settlement House is a local, non-profit Christian organization. Our mission is to equip and empower at-risk children, youth and their families to be self-sufficient by helping them maximize their economic, educational, emotional, moral, physical, social and spiritual potential.

Down Syndrome of Louisville Garden
Down Syndrome of Louisville Garden. Click to expand.
DSL is a resource to local families touched by Down syndrome from prenatal diagnosis to legacy. As the only Gold Accredited Down Syndrome Association in the country, we celebrate life by supporting, educating, and advocating to ensure each member is empowered to reach their full potential. See the links below to learn more about us.

Shively Library Community Garden
Shively Library Community Garden. Click to expand.
The Shively Library Community Garden is the collaborative effort between the Louisville Free Public Library, the City of Shively, and its citizens to build community, to educate, and, ultimately, to feed people.

Garden of Goodness
Garden of Goodness . Click to expand.
Across from North Lime Donuts in Old Louisville

Sojourn--Carlisle Community Garden
Sojourn--Carlisle Community Garden. Click to expand.
website: www.sojourncarlisle.com

Youthbuild Garden & Garden Supplies
Youthbuild Garden & Garden Supplies. Click to expand.
YouthBuild Louisville assists young people in meeting significant life goals, such as preparing for college and careers, by providing services in education, vocational training, community service, case management, placement, and post-graduation support.

LAMP Garden of Life
LAMP Garden of Life. Click to expand.

St. Matthews Community Garden
St. Matthews Community Garden. Click to expand.
St. Matthews Community Garden has a program established to offer fresh, healthy produce for hungry families in St. Matthews, KY.

Paristown Food Forest
Paristown Food Forest. Click to expand.
The Paristown Food Forest has blackberries, black and red raspberries, a variety of other fruit in the community orchard, and a garden space with vegetables and herbs. Neighbors have been volunteering to maintain the fruit trees, herbs, and grow vegetables, as far back as 1997. The property is owned by Louisville Metro and is a green sanctuary in Paristown Pointe.